Ha. It's Grand.

Listening to: Nirvana - "Lithium"
Feeling: amused
I found out that a certain person who used to call me trailer trash, has a story of his own. At one time, he lived in a very small house. So how did this guy who lived in a very small house get to a rich neighborhood? His parents won the lottery! Ha! :D Hm... What else? Cameron got me something for Valentines Day... Um... I went to Cody's today and played video games, then we went to Blockbuster and Lowes... lol I'm going over Ronnie's Thursday to help with videos and stuff... Uh... And I guess that's it. Oh! And we get report cards tomorrow... Dun dun dun... Yeah... That's it. "I'm so happy 'cause today I found my friends... They're in my head."
Read 6 comments
Hey Shelby! I just wanted to say that i love you and that we were supposed to "Woohoo" at Sam's house at 5 remember? L.O.L.Welps bye love ur Mistriss!
hi shelby! i got bad grades >..< i dunno whats wrong! :( well i guess it cant be too bad.. i hope:-/
whos the anonymous note??? wow anyway...
The anonymous note was my friend Christie. Or, my "mistriss." lol Abby.. *cringe*
I really like your journal,whats the name of the song in it?
Blah. I wish I could just dissappear. V-day sucks.