Let's Do a Survey.

Feeling: thrilled
So I figured I'd do a survey that I already did a looong time ago. Just to see what [based on the survey] has actually changed. Plus, I'm addicted to surveys, and I'm bored. Five details about you... [x] I love love LOVE Mountain Dew. [x] Kisses are basically my favorite thing in the world. [x] I'm really short. [x] Music = life. [x] I can't play guitar with a crap. =] Five details about your appearance right now [x] My hair is a messs and in a clip. And it needs to be washed. [x] I have on black pants. And a KoRn shirt. And a grey Vans hoodie. [x] I'm not wearing make-up. [x] I'm bare-foot. [x] I have hearts drawn all over my hand. Five things you did today... [x] I woke up. [x] I ate breakfast. [x] I got online. [x] I called Jessica. [x] I talked to Jimmy when he called me. Five memorable things that happened in the past year [x] 3.14 [x] Meeting 2 new certain people. [x] Getting... Hardc0r3. Like we call it. [x] Going to Dale. [x] Amber moving baack. Five things that make you happy... [x] Music. [x] Friends. [x] Hardc0r3 + 3.14. [x] Mountain Dew. [x] Puppies. Five people who mean a lot to you... [x] Jessica. [x] Kayla St. John. [x] Jimmy. [x] Amber. [x] Chris. Five things you can't live without... [x] Music. [x] Friends. [x] My L-O-V-E. [x] Mountain Dew. [x] My family. Five things you feel right now... [x] Blaaaah! [x] Bored. [x] Lazyyy. [x] Dirty... Not the sexual way. =] [x] Thirsty. 1. First Name? Shelby. 2. Were you named after anyone? Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias, and a car. 3. Which finger is your favorite? Middle. 4. Are you answering these questions during work? Noo... 5. When did you last cry? I don't remember. Last week, I think. 6. Do you like your hand writing? It's okay. 7. What is your favorite lunch meat? I don't eat lunch meat. 8. Bad Habits? Yes. I have sooome. 9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? Hm... Good Charlotte. =] 10. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Probably not. lol But I can't stand people that remind me of myself too much, anyways. 11. Are you a daredevil? Are you nuts? Daredevil, maybe. Nuts, no. lol 12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Yes. 13. Do looks matter? As long as you have all the normal body parts, and no extra body parts... Not physically deformed or too terribly ugly... Then no, not at all. =] 14. How do you release anger? I listen to music and write. 15. Where is your second home? Kayla's and Cody's. 16. Do you trust others easily? Not really, no. 17. What was your favorite toy as a child? There was this firetruck thing with a horn on it. And I always used to bite the horn. lol 20. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes. 21. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Yess. 22. What do you look for in a Man? Pretty eyes. Sweet. Funny. Makes me smile. Taller than me. =] Good kisseerr. 23. Who is your favorite singer? Bert McCracken. 25. Would you bungee jump? I already did. =] 26. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends on what shoes I'm wearing. 28. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Cherry Vanilla. And Cookies and Cream. 30. What are your favorite colors? All of them. 31. What is your least favorite thing to do? Homework. Meeh. 32. How many wisdom teeth do you have? I don't know. 33. How many people have a crush on you right now? I hope no more than 1. 34. What do you miss most right now? Shadoow. 35. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? It's in my journal. 36. What color pants are you wearing? Black. 37. What are you listening to right now? Drop Dead, Gorgeous. 38. Last thing you ate? Chips. Mmm. =] 39. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red. 40. What is the weather like right now? Cold. 41. Last person you talked to on the phone?Jimmy. 42. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes&hair&lips&neck&hands&arms. =] 43. Do you like the person who sent you this? I don't know where I got it. 44. How are you today? Lazyyy. 45. Favorite drink? Mountain DEW! 46. Favorite Alcoholic Drink? Smirnoff Twisted Black Cherry. 47. Favorite Sport? Skateboarding? 48. Eye color? As in mine? Green. 50. Do you wear contacts? No. 51. Siblings? Briana, Amber, Krystal, Jeanette, and Jarred. 52. Favorite month? December, March, May, June, July, and August. 53. Favorite food? Popcorn shrimp! 54. Last movie you watched? Beauty and the Beast. 55. Favorite day of the year? I have a feew. =] 56. Are you too shy to ask someone out? It depends. 57. Scary movies or happy endings? Scaryyy! 58. Summer or winter? Both. 59. Hug or kisses? Both. 60. Relationships or one night stands? Both. 64. Living arrangement? Mom, dad, me, younger sister, and dog. 65. What books are you reading? "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous. 66. What's on your mouse pad at work? At home? It's just black. 67. Favorite board game? I don't really like board games, but I do like Twister. 68. What did you watch on TV last night? I didn't watch tv. 69. Favorite smell? Vanilla! And I like strawberries too. =] 70. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? DAMN YOU, ALARM CLOCK! SHUT THE FUCK UP!! sjf38475ruwjr98w2ur389w2jr!!
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im so glad you're back at sitdairy^_^ i love reading your entries^_^ wooot i feel special^_^