
Feeling: dumb
Friday: I went to Kayla's, and Tara, Kayla and I went skating. Cameron was there, and that made things very difficult for me... Mikey and Jeramie went with us, too, which was very cool. I couple skated with Mikey's little brother, and then with Mikey. Jakoury was there, and that was great... I saw Cody Lane who I haven't seen since 6th grade, and I saw Whitney Runyon. Whitie and Brandon Roberts were there, too. (Whitie's way cooler than I thought she was.) At one point I got kind of... upset. I don't know... Someone told me that Cathryn Westland gave Cameron her phone number... And Mikey had talked to Cameron earlier, and Cameron said that he broke up with me not because he believed the rumor about me, but because he was tired of HEARING it. I went to the bathroom, and I cried in there for the last 15 minutes of being there. Tara finally got me out, and I felt really stupid... I'm not the one who's supposed to be like that... But everyone saw me cry anyway... Like a frickin' emo kid... People were passing me around like a joint... I was held by like... 5 different people. I was okay, though. I ended up spending the night at Kayla's with her and Tara. Last night, I went to Sharae's party, to where I also became a little upset, but I didn't cry. And this time a different person was the reasoning... Brandon. Yeah... Grand. I talked to him for a little while, and things just... Aren't the same. I was thinking about what it would be like if things were the way they were 2 years ago... And then I realized that he's 17. It was fine when he was 15, so why not now? Everything that he talked to me about over the summer never happened. Bleh... Oh well. Maybe I'll wait FIVE MORE YEARS... Wait. That's all I seem to do anymore... And now I'm confused as to who I love... And who's good for me... Aaach...... Ah well. "I’m tired of being quiet. I’m sick of writing the songs that make you think that you're so special. You never really were that special"
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hey...im very sorry. things are going back down hill i think.. i did something this weekend that kinda made it really hard..i dont regret it but i dont think i should of b/c its made things harder... yeah... im mad that so many people like you>.< i shall steal you! ha ..lol well im gonna go..

i love you
hey...if u want to send me a message like a e-mail durring the week you can but i cant get on durring the week so i wont get it till the weekend so if u want to send me any messages durring the week leave it on my diary... well im gonna go now time for class^_^
i love you

^^my new nickname^_^
Nice diary
ha...we already broke up.. im happy for you...gawd>.< well i love you bye...
sorry that was mine, yeah me and her are not anything but friends. i feel like im to blame and i am. she wants everything and im not even a third of everything... i still love you.