
Just wondering...

Created by shungadin and taken 69 times on bzoink!

What book are you reading now?Gonna start War & Peace Verry soon
What's on your mouse pad?A flying moose... and it says "the moose pad"
What's your favorite board game?Monopoly all the way!
Favorite magazine?Seventeen
Favorite smells?Roses.. what girl doesnt? Boys that wear axe and bod ;)
Least favorite smells?Smelly boys...
Favorite sound?Music =D
Worst feeling in the world?Loneliness.. feeling of being used... missing someone*
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?A boy.. no, actually I want to shut the sun off.
Favorite color?Pink
How many rings before you answer the phone?Two
Future child's name?Umm I really like the names Matthew and Rebekah Claire... no reason though
What is most important in life?Bonds with friends and family
Favorite foods?everything...seriously, ill eat something and say its my favorite food
Chocolate or vanilla?either
Do you like to drive fast?yes... I mean how would I know, I dont have a permit yet
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?yeahh
Storms - cool or scary?cool
What type was your first car?none
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?Lou Gherig?
Favorite alcoholic drink?n/a =p
What is your zodiac sign?cancer
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?broccoli is incredibly gross
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?anesthesiologist
If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?blond-er
Ever been in love?yes
Is the glass half full or half empty?full!
Your favorite movies?scary ones
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?yeah
What's under your bed?lotsa papers
What is your favorite number?21
Favorite sport to watch?baseball
Do you have any pets and, if so, what are their names?maggie, duke, jeter, spuder
Who would be your dream team for the Presidential ticket?Bush/... umm lol
What singer's voice would you have liked to have been born with?Mariah Carey
What singer does your voice really sound like?I have no idea
Favorite time of day?7 in the morning... its so pretty if Im actually up lol
What's missing in your life?A boy* =/
What are you grateful for in your life?A boy*
Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you.Noone sent it to me.

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Read 3 comments
yea its me... you were fine everyone plays a different way...ya know?....well see ya on the field next year

Jenny, I was reading your answers to the questions and you had like 4 "A boy"'s. Mannn you really are obsessed with him! Lol, mucho cuteness tho.

♥ always and forever
how do i insert pictures within my entry?