::68::* Chelle rocks my socks =)

Listening to: Switch:: Will Smith
Feeling: bored
These last few days have been pretty weird. Yesterday I decided to go over to Chelle's and we walked up to the school to play some ball. Only after we played for a little bit, it got too hot, so we sat under the ship there and called people. I tried to call Keith with the number Laura gave me, but I got some guy that said their name was Beaver instead. =p Thanks a ton, Laura. So then we were going to walk back to her house, but it was too hot and we were too lazy so we walked up to mom's work instead, and got the wonderful idea of cleaning out mom's van. We spent like 5 bucks on the car wash and vacuum cause it was so nasty. It was still really hot so we kind of misted each other in the car wash. And me with my white shirt lol. Then we went back up to the school cause it was cooler and played around the world. We each won a game and were playing the tie breaker but we had to go. I played without any shoes and my feet completely killed for the rest of the night. Then I came home and my washer started to leak. My mom totally flipped out and tried calling some people but noone answered so she just jumped in the car and ran off. Then she brought Larrie back, so it was all good in the hood. ♥ Then Jen got mad at me. But Steph apologized. So that's good. Today Chelle came over here:: and brought Jericho. Yummm. We ate then pretty much sat on our asses all day. Fun stuff. We made cookies. Actually, we burned cookies. But they're still good so I'm not complaining. Now I'm just watching the Yankees lose >o and looking at my old yearbook. I started on the private entries last night, with Dylan's, but it deleted it. Maybe later tonight ♥ I'm out guys, gotta take Chellz home. Leave me some love ♥ ::Sneak
Read 4 comments
omg!I love that song...lol..it's amazing...dashboard confessional is sexy;)...lol...anyhu sorry bored and browsing-cassie xox ♥
hey, my names keith! sorry, i just thought it was weird because theres a keith in your entry and all.

and yeah, a major boo goes out to the SATs for making me feel at least somewhat competent and then dragging me right back down with my actual scores.

and yeah dude, clue is hardcore awesome.
lol...thanx...I L♥ve your comment pic...I have that icon &*loox around *somewhere...thanx...I just stole those icons off others lol...on msn...when I'm on...I just steal people's dp's...lol-cassie xox ♥
I saw your name in another persons comment and I really like the Yankees too. They one really good 2 nites ago.