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Okay, so I just feel a need to clear this all up. Take it for what it's worth. Agree/Disagree/Remain Impassive or Apathetic/Whatever. Here are my full and complete thoughts on teh subject: 1.) Earth has been through many ice ages and "snowball earths" and it's been through an equal amount of warming processes. Global warming and cooling is natural. As for the argument that it's "too drastic, too soon" who is to say that past global climate changes haven't happened this fast? Scientists can only estimate how long these effects took and when you're talking about period of millions and millions of years, estimation gets a little shady. The number 500 adn the number 50 are very far apart but in retrospect when you're working with numbers like one million, 500 is closer to 50 that it is to 1,000,000. The ice age may have happened in a day for all we know. Nothing is 100% accurate. 2.) We are getting better and better at doing the right things for the environment. Everything you see now-a-days is "green" or "environmentally friendly" and whatnot. Honestly, I don't believe our impact is that severe. the entire earth's population could stand outside with aerosol cans spraying into the sun and the global average temperature would not change. I'll pretty much guarantee that. 3.) In the last few years the global average temperature has actually DROPPED. The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006 as well as every year since 2001. Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are not increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory behind global warming – the greenhouse effect. The period 1980-98 was one of rapid warming – a temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees Celsius (CO2 rose from 340ppm to 370ppm). But since then the global temperature has been flat (whilst the CO2 has relentlessly risen from 370ppm to 380ppm). This means that the global temperature today is about 0.3 deg less than it would have been had the rapid increase continued. For the past decade the world has not warmed. Global warming has stopped. It's not a viewpoint or a sceptic's inaccuracy. It's an observational fact. Does this get publicized? No, of course not. Too many environmental groups and trans-national bureaucracies, along with their lackies in the media, have too much invested in the biggest hoax of all time to admit that the game is up. 4.) If the Earth really wants to clean house and wipe out the entire lifeforce on the planet it will do so. The human race is just a finger-snap in existence. 5.) I find it far too convenient that if the weather is to warm it's "global warming due to greenhouse gasses" and if it gets too cold it's also global warming "because the polar ice caps are melting and lowering the ocean temperature causing lower land temperatures." So, no matter what they win? Well, what the hell? 6.) WAKE UP! THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO KEEP YOU IN A CONSTANT STATE OF FEAR!
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3 is your only convincing argument, and only the majority of it at that.

However, that is enough, I believe.