by allisonjeanOk, I deleted the other entry and i don't knwo how to delete the other diary so here's my new and improved one.
I was sick the past two days so I had a lot of shit that I had to catch up on. I walked into homeroom and listened to "poor Danielle" talk about how she hasn't seen Tom yet. They are really starting to piss me off. I didn't really notice it until Steph vented to me a few weeks ago. They are so over themselves...I'm definately not that bad. Ask Meg if you don't believe me.
So I got Kristen Weed's Earth Science take home test that was due Tuesday. I copied that shit down and got the latest gossip from "our table". Once again I got a shout out from Kelsey from Morning Update. Did I also mention I got doughnuts also because it was Boss' (Mr Mancini's) birthday today?
I was so confused of what schedule day we were on and I found out that it was a day 5. That means Sacred Scripture. What a boring class. Fortunately Mr Connelley wasnt there so we just did a worksheet. I finished in 20 minutes and actually studied for AP.
Then I had Health...I missed a test do I have to make that up tomorrow and our PSA is due Monday. I bought a poster board the other day so I should be all set and do it this weekend.
Then I went to Spanish and got all the work I missed...of course I have to make up another test tomorrow in that too. I also have two compositions to write...grrr that should be fun.
English was alright, I did the reading and only missed two questions on the quiz. Suddenly my stomch turned and I felt sick to my stomach, I bolted out of their sprinting to the bathroom. Of course, me never wearing shoes forgot them on my way out. Thankfully no teacher caught me.
Then lunch, I really didnt eat much cause my stomach felt really weird. Then I went to Earth Science handed in my test...100% of course. We were supposed to have a free period but he flipped and we spent an extra 20 minutes in that class, but we got to finish all the homework unlike the rest of the classes.
Gym was alright, I guess yesterday some boy in our class went in the locker room and stole everyone's money so we got a huge talk about how dispicable we are and all that shit.
I took the multiple choice part of AP but our sub...Mr Oberst thought I was cheating cause I had to keep switing copies of the test with Kristen Weed cause there wasnt anough copies so we had to keep switching papers. Mr Oberst wasnt too bright, he shoulda just went down and ran off more copies...the idiot.
In Math I made up my test and goofed off the rest of class.....
Then I went to rehearsal and man I'm so sick and tired of the bull shit there. No one tells me they're not gunna be there so how the hell are we supposed to put on a show if there's no rehearsal time!!! And brillant Christian almost broke one of our fencing swords....which ISNT HIS PROP!!!!!!!!! Shook (director of HAMLET) flew a chair at the end of rehearsal cause people had to keep leaving earlier and no one told me about it, which is what I'm there for...to run everything!!!
Grr....whatever this show is really going to blow if not one puts their act together.
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