Yesterday I went to reahearsal. It was rather boring, but I did find out that Mike Haller had a little crush on me last year. (please keep that quiet Meg and no he does not like me now, we dont even talk) Then me and Steph dropped off Sean Bennett at his house after stopping at Taco Bell. I got Jenna's voicemail and decided to go hang out with her since that was long over due. Since I had to basically hobble around We just sat around, ate, and talked. We watched this old video of her and Chris. It made me so mad cause it brought back all these memories that I knew that my nest friend could never have back. I watched Jenna's face while we watched the movie but I felt so bad for her. I could see her heart beign crushed. The movie also made me see the old side of Chris. The side that would always be gone. I mean, I used to be friends with Chris and then knowing how much a dick he has become made me so mad! I miss the old Chris but I can survive without him. I guess the word I am looking for is disappointment in how things turned out. Then we watched Madagascar!!! Let me tell you, it was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.... "I like to movie it, move it." We passed out shortly afterwards. I feel like I'm getting old cause at sleep overs I'm always the first one to pass out. I woke up and had to go see my surgeon. Jenna you were right, it was my mom's type of hott. I had to take off my jeans and put on one of those Nurse pants. They are rather comfortable though. Ewww...and then the doctor did a test (by pushing the top and bottom of my knee together) that showed that I my tore my ACL. The bottom of my knee popped up. It felt so gross!!! Then me and dad went to Wendy's and got a free meal cause I knew the manager there. (she felt bad for my knee) My surgery is in early April, I dont knwo when yet. And I dont have that brace on anymore. I can wobble my way around the house without crutches but I'm still supposed to use them. I start therapy friday at 7 AM. I will get a massive brace after my sugery that I'll have to wear until i wear a smaller one, I dont knwo when though. The doctor said that this will be a 7 month long process. And I have to wear that brace for 2 years!!!! Anyways after lunch I went to rehearsal and played card games. Cause I got there at 12 and we only had 1 1/2 left of rehearsal. All the actors were in the chorus room singing (we finished the blocking a long time before I got there) All of us techies were chillen adn playing cards. We went home and I read some more of "The Count of Monte Cristo". Then we cleaned and Steph's friends are coming over any minute now. I'm gunna go shower then read some more. Abby, Rachel, and Meghan I hope that you had fun on your vacations!!! Losers!!!
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