Monopoly Sucks

Hi! Happy Easter everyone!Having fun? I did for the most part. I got up early for church and everything. Then again...I do that every Sunday. Oh well. I guess that's punctuated by...SPRING BREAK!!! I played Pokemon Blue for a while. I have no idea why...but mindless crap like that equals fun for me. I got to Celadon city...and the stupid team rocket people are blocking all the doors. Damn them! It's been so long since I played the game I forgot what I have to do to get them to move...oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. After church, Larry took Keith and I to town. We rented a few movies and I think he got a game. I'm going to watch "The Crow: Salvation" tomorrow. But I did watch SouthPark with Larry tonight. I don't remember the title, but it's the movie with the whole "Blame Cananda" song in it. My favorite song was the part where (I don't know how to spell his name so sue me) Saddam Hussein sang "I can Change". I'm still singing it in my head. (I can change I can change! It's not my fault that I'm so evil its society! Society!) Mom even took us out for ice cream at big boy! Yay!!! Speaking of restuarants, my mom might be getting a new waitress position at Coyles! Let's hope that happens! Yay Mommy! As for me, I have an interview this Wednesday at Burger King. Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 9 AM. I really really really hope they hire me. I need a job. I need one bad. Okay, back to my day. We came home and played a family game. (Well...the kind of famiy game that doesn't involve whinny children like Richard and E.B. They're at Grandmas! Yay!!) It was rummicube (I don't know how to spell that either.) Mom won. Of course. I think Larry hated it. You could see complete frustration on his face at all times. I felt bad. But hey. It was a short game anyway. Later on though we played Monopoly. (Yes, this is where my entry title came from.)It was great right up to the end...for me anyway. I always lose at Monopoly. And miserably. This time though, I had all four railroads, both utilities, boardwalk and parkplace, and one other set of properties besides. And lots and lots of money. For the duration of the game, my family called me satan. (Keith kept making deals with me and tried persuading everyone else to make deals with "Satan".) Just when it looked like I was going to win everyone gave up.'s the more exact dialogue. Larry: I have nothing. Here Candy. (He gives her his only set of properties.) Candy: Ok. (A few turns later) Keith: Damn! I owe $600! Satan, if you give me the money I need, I'll resign from the game and give you my properties. Mandy ("Satan"): ok. Candy: That's unfair! (Keith and Larry sit there and watch the game) Candy: That's unfair. I'm quitting. Mandy: You guys suck. (Walks away) I hate it. Every time it seems like I might actually win something everyone gives up. Oh well. I knew I would have won if we'd kept playing. ^_^ So I'm not going to be all down about it. I still think Monopoly is a suck ass game to play with whinny people. Grr. On a brighter note, I finally updated my Harry Potter fanfiction "The Hardest Thing". I'm so proud of myself! It's like...6 pages long! Yay!!! Most of my updates are more like...2. I can't wait to see the reviews! Even if they tell me I suck! So yeah. That's all I've got to say for now! I'll write again later. When later is...I don't know. But who cares! The point is...I'll write again and stuff! [The End]
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