[9] Another one..

I don't even know why I'm posting again. This is my 4th post today. Actually, I'm posting because I surprised myself. When I hit the random button thingy my own site came up and I thought that was damn cool. I want to leave. Its pouring out. But I want to leave. I can't explain it. If I could I'd walk all the way from my house to Moore Township. I'd sit on Cale's porch in the rain until he gets home at 3:30. If I left now it would probably take me the whole time to get there. Unless of course I took a bus... I need a car. I need Cale. I need to get the fuck out of my PJs and get a life. Always, Gina.
Read 8 comments
thankyou for my comment
i wish i did write that but its a song
comment me and thankyou again xx
haha, aww thank you hun. that was really sweet of you to say. =) that made my day. anyway, yes i totally know what you mean with the comments thing. i abosolutly love your background! i've been looking at it for quite some time now. anyway, don't be a stranger now. i'm going to add you as a friend. <3
aww, i hate to walk in the rain, but i like the rain, hmm lol i'll add you i like yours too :o)
my cousin's 16.. my age.. she's making me angryy... grrrr
supriseeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!...lol sorry im feelin random....heya lovie
Pancakes for Easter!? Now there's something new and different ;)

Placebo is awesome - I love how when you're in a certain mood, their music is soo much better!
That's a beautiful picture above your entries..
omg! i love you! u like cursive! you sooo awesome! and u like bright eyesAND billy talent! hahahaha so awesome!