
Feeling: nothing
It is snowing outside! In this time of year I get very nostalgic. I miss my home, our flat. We had a great time there. I was younger but I remember how it felt. Whenever I think of our flat I feel like crying. I am at work at this moment and can't wait to go home, cuz tomorrow I am at home....finally a free day. hope I will have a nice weekend. Oh Zot tash edhe pak vjen viti i ri, dhe une po e ndiej veten shume weird si gjithmon. Eshte nje ndjenje e mire dhe e keqe ne te njejten kohe. Edhe po ndihem shume e lumtur edhe pikellushem. I guess qajo eshte qka bejne festat.
Read 3 comments
o my sweet lil' sis... I feel like that always but that is a great feeling and I just love it... mpuqe
hey sis you've changed your colours too... interesting... :D
hi, it's the color of snow as your current entry title :)

Wish you a nice working day there!