You caused me too much pain
I don't wanna have to put up with you anymore
You hurt me too bad
Now I'm gonna do the honor of paying you back
I don't want you back now
It's time for you to turn back now
This is me telling you to move on
Step back from me
Watch as I fake you a smile
As you remember how I made your world worth while
are you missing me yet .. are you ..
are you missing me yet ..
I bet you feel empty inside
But there's no more places for you to go to hide
It's about time for you to face your fears
This is nothing compared to all the pain you caused me not to mention all the tears
I don't want you back now
It's time for you to turn back now
This is me telling you to move on
Step backf rom me
I don't want you back now
Watch as I fake you a smile
It's time for you to turn back now
As you remember how I made your world worth while
This is me telling you to move on
Do you miss me yet??
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