omg! omg! omg!

Listening to: why-jason aldean
Feeling: amazed
ok, you will never believe this. like all my friends hae been telling this guy (we call him gassy, dont ask, my friends are weird) and he jsut asked me if i like him. im like kinda and well this is what he wrote back. "yea.........well,let­s just say if I was single, I might date u, just so u know.....but yea, I gotta go, I'm about to play D&D.....I might be on tomorrow, and if not, then I'll see ya on Monday. Love ya! bye...." i cant believe it! i jsut cant. so yea... well, thats about it from me. wish me good luck on my solo, and if you live here, come see me sing.
Read 5 comments
OMG!OMG!OMG! well i donno what to say woudl you date him now?
that one was me it keeps loggind me off
I'm sorry I won't be able to come, but good luck anyways!!
yea yea yea... uuummm... when is it again??? lol... yea.. i wanna come and watch u guys..but.. i don't plan on listening.. it might hurt my ears... jk... well... i need to know when it is so i can come.. but i'll probably ask u befor eu get on here next so.. uumm... c u at school
you did really good on your solo, i was impressed!