Listening to: fall out boy
Feeling: sluggish
hey there
and look it that its the second day of school.
and i missed the buss. *sighs* what else is new. but only by like 1 minute. cus the lady came early and yesterday she came wicked late so. whatever
so uh then extended home room again. its dumb idk why they do it.
spanish first :) the psyc which was cool today the teacher wasnt as bad as yesterday. summer reading test tomarow.
physics as funny as always. hehe torie. then english with cait. i had geometry fifth. blah it was so hot. and wicked boring i dont kno anyone:(
keyboarding last. pat from my spaish class is in that class. and one oof his friends. and we had to do this dumb thing and g to someone and ask them a bunch questions. so i now kno a dude and hisname is tyler or taylor lol i forgot what one. hes a sophmore pretty cool. yea tahts about it.
walked hoem with melis and freshman. didnt really do anythign after school. uh yea well. laterdayz. nh tomarow :) till monday. kailyns coming with.
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