this isnt my fault

Listening to: blink 182
Feeling: depressed
i feel like crap b/c kerstian and everyone is at ball and im here complaining b/c im parents kicking me out back and forth me running away cys sage house with the lezbian that tried to get me and just everything my first ball i cant go i just wish that for one time and i wouldnt ask for anything else that i would be the pretty one i would be the one that everyone says oh mygod look at her she looks soo good or something but no im not i never am and never will be so all i have to do left is just complain but since no one really cares i'll stop....i just need someone....sean... angelica anne
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on monday wear all black clothes show your suport there is no real reason to do it but do it... see how it effects everything if everyone does it... show this to everyone you know!!
i dont know why your mad at me er why you told Erika that she should think first before she is my friend..
You talked soo much shit about Kim, Erika, Nikki, nd everyone but then go back to them and tell them what they wanna hear..seriously thats all you do and i dont fucking understand it