babysitting again

Listening to: blink182 dammit
Feeling: alright
AL and Misty left to our new house to go see if we can start moving stuff in today we were sopossed to like this week but all we've been doing is boxing up stuff we had the whole inside of the house redone b/c the last people who lived there well im not gonna start but in the summer the outside is getting done and im moving like a few houses from kim thats cool. I hope all the shit between her and kerstian calms down or something not thats its my business but im hearing horrible shit from kerstian but hten kim has a total different story they need to chill and just stop acting like freshman not that i dont at points but still...anyway my aunts beth and debbie lied to me cuz they said that they would take me to the mall to get my ball dress but i guess im not going because i dont know o well whatever i shouldnt of depended on them thats all my fault i forgot that i can only depend on friends for stuff (some you know who u are) yeah and blaine was gonna ask me friday but i wasnt in school..... i dont know what to say....i want to ask sean but thats too risky ..o and before i go i have well i had two guinee pigs but chris killed one and the other i named gusterd but i call him gust for short hah i know im cracked up well later kim-hope things are chilled between us i dont know why they wouldnt be but...just checking kerstian-... nicole- revealing our dLs... SOMEONE TELL ME IF THEY LIKE MY BACKGROUND
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