Listening to: got to be there (black michael)
Feeling: exhausted
Today was the last day of school and i am so happy i have been up all week studying for finals and remembering lines talk about exhausting but we're going to Lake Lenier tomorrow and i am so happy can't wait 5 days to THE BIRTH OF CHRIST im sorry if i offend anybody but i think the world has just completely threw the true meaning of CHRIST mas i mean if i offend someone by saying hristmas they offend me by saying happy holidays CHRISTmas has become to commercialized i mean i love getting presents but half the famlies will not go to church at all Sunday morning but i will be getting up to sing @ 7:00 a.m. i'm not one of those holier than thou people but some things need to be said and we're the voice of tomorrow and if we don't speak up who will this country will be up to us one day and when you look back in history do u want your kids to see that we were the generation that let CHRISTMAS be left up to polotics. Jews and all that is good but that's not my problem if you don't like CHRISTMAS want me to say it again CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS . it's just not right that BUSH decides what we need to call the day our saviour was born i mean if he really was the Christian that he said he was to win this pass election he would have NEVER let something like this pass that's just not right. i think we have all misplaced Christmas it's too important to go down the drain by people who don't want to offend fomeone but do anyway you have your religion we have ours what u put up we can't say we don't want up so back off once again i mean to offend noone just speaking my mind. so respect my opinion and i'll respect yours have a very merry CHRISTMAS
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