Useless information Part 2

Listening to: notta
Feeling: vain
*Name:Felicia *Age: 17 *Grade: 11 ************************** Favorites *color: black and blue *animal: porcupines *car: haha yeah right *soda: Mt. Dew baby *fruit: strawbwrries and apples *sport: i dance unfortunately *store: hot topic and pac sun *scent: Love Spell, and Lilu *movie: House of 1,000 Corpses, Cabin Fever *song: nothing in particular *type of music: Metal *radio station: x103 *TV show: Family Business, L Word *subject: Gym *teacher:Mrs Provino *food: CHICKEN *candy: Snickers *cereal:Apple Jacks **website: *instrument: bass is sexy *shoe company: hot topic *gender: Mostly male but female are hot *language: english. *celebrity: female-angelina Jolie-------- male -sean william scott *flower: dandilions *book: In the Garden of Poisonous Flowers *club: Emerson is the only club I've been to *phrase: Silly faggot dicks are for chicks..:: I"m not homophobic I swear:: ********************************************** Future *job: Coroner *married or no: yeah hopefully *children: Umm..I don't know *car: one that runs *pets: a snake *house: I hope so. *where will you live: somewhere warm ********************************************** Other Stuff *Had a BF/GF? yeah *gender: female *any pets? 2 dogs, 3 cats, 6 ot 7 fish *any siblings? 1 younger sister, 1 younger brother. *what school do you go to? Arlington High School. *do you have a computer? yea *what scares you? being alone *have you ever been obsessed over someone? yes *do you want to be famous? not really just wealthy *do you wear glasses? I'm supposed to *do you have tonsils? yeah.. *do you play an instrument? I sure do try *Republican or Democrat? ?? not sure *ever made a useful invention? haha no comment *ever beat anyone up? I'm a lover not a fighter HAHA *if so, who? myself *very annoying person? KAYLIE CRITELLI, AND SUMMER LEE *do you look older, younger, like your age? younger unfortunately. *do you act older younger, or like your age? older. *any nick names? Spaz,FeFe,Polywog,Squishy..the list goes on ********************************************* rate the following from 1 to 10 (1 being the highest) *your loudness: 6 *your funniness: 3 *dorkiness: 1 *smartness: 5 *blondness: 4 *athleticness: 1 *popularity: 4 *creativness: 1
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