Listening to: Teachers talking about random students
Feeling: amused
Dude what the hell is up with all these fucking nasty bitches wearing the black lipstick today. It's like one comes in with it on and 15 minutes later, everybody is wearing it. It makes you look worse, TAKE THE SHIT OFF!*!*!*! I swear everybody I'm not a mean person, I'm an angel who is nice to everyone! For the most part. But anyway, 5th period I'm going to be in here alone, because Matt is no longer aloud in here due to his project being done. . .:( it kinda saddens me in a way. But in better news. .my library stalker is no longer talking to me :: does a happy dance :: and Travis won't even look in my direction! You guys I'm finally starting to work up nerve about Andre, I have something planned but it's a secret! I don't know when to do it, I'm not the best when it comes to timing. Maybe I should take a lesson from parents and grandparents. Well this is enough for now.
xo Felicia xo
* You can have your wonderdrug anytime you want it *
stupid jews and nazis