wow has it been that long already? i cant belive it! im doin good for those who havent heard from me latly im homeschooled now and love it i will have my licence win about two weeks! and i cant wait! i have a boyfriend now and i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy bout it!
g2g will write later
its me and im at my friends house and im haveing a blast and im im still confussed about the whole bisexual problem i mean if they want to its their idea and not ours so y complain right if u feel the same way as i do holla!!!!
today is the last day of the school year and im pretty sad because i might not be here oh well bye bye for now
sorry its been so long but i am just tring to figure out y every one is fucking racist i mean the people they grew up with people that were different they didnt know it until now and now they want nothing to do with those people y?
y do people judge people because of their sexuality i would like to know please tell me.
im back for now because i have to be but its not my choice if it were i would have been dead a while ago!
hey its me im not dead all thou i wish i was!!!!!! dont expect to hear from me for a while
im so tired form this weekend i babysat my cousins and the yongest is a little tarer and my mom kicks me out of the house every week end and i dont know why.
we had a big math test to day and i think that i did farly well but i could have done better now i cant wait until my spanish test yea so much fun
my mom just now grounded me for my progress card and i dont really care other then the fact that i cant stay after any more from now untin the end of the semester. which really sucks.
the snow made my visit with my mother get canceled so now i cant see her for another couple of months and i was cursingat the snow
im seeing my mom today but im not all that sure i want to she dosnt call me
i just found out yesturday when i was talking with my eight year old brothers friend who is 13 and to me my bro's friend was hitting on my over the phone but thats not the point what i found out is that my friend paul is going around the neighborhood and telling all that he knows and hangs out with that we are going out and i was shocked by this because he was the one who told me that we were going to keep this a secret for a little while because my father was not to happy when i called and asked for my friend because my father answered the phone and of course i dont live with him so when i asked for him my father wanted to know why i was asking for him and at the time ididnt know what to say because me and my friend just started to go out that week and i didnt know if i should tell him or not and so what i didi was i just said that i wanted to talk to him as a friend and then my father said that i should not even talk to him even as a friend he said that all he would do was get me in to trouble and now that i found out that he told people he wont talk to me and i found out that he is not talking to any body he is not even talking to his own brother so i try to get all of my info for his bro when i can but the thing i dont get is shouldnt he tell me things before he tells the whole town that does know me? at least i thing he should shouldnt he? i need some answers!!!
i am so sure that i am not wanted around this house but i am not completly possitive but asny ways now that its vaca i spend most of my life now lookin for things for my sibs
i am so bored its not funny its at the point where i am looking at pictures to color in thats how bored i am if i was any more bored i would be dead and i dont want to die not at this age at least
my mom and me dont get along to well because she put me in to this date thing with this guy that i dont even like put if i told her that it would broke her heart what should i do?
i finaly got the computer to work and im so happy i would put all my feelings down but i have some one over my shoulder reading this because we are sharing the computer
its 10:30 at night and i now have my own comp at home so now i dont have to have people looking right over me shoulder all the time
im in math class but the more that i think about it the more that i realize that nobody really cares about me if it was there choose they would all have me dead. the could care less if i decided to jump off a bridge or if i committed suiside. they all could care less as long as their children are fine they dont care im a foster child and i hav ebeen for the past eleven years so i dont have a home i just keep on moving from house to house and nobody really cares about me even though they they say that they care about me the truthis that they raelly could care less. and then there is this guy that i like in hoyoke and he used to be arould all the time and know nobody knows where to find him. i know where to find him check his fucking house nobody has even looked there yet maybe just maybe if you look there you might find him. people in this wolrd just love to fucking piss me off and i dont know why. i would love to find out why people love to fucking piss me off so i just need some one to help me cool down.
i dont know what to do today im in the libray right now with my friends and im completely bored but any way there is these two guys that i like in my theatre and they talk to me and all but them going out with me would be perposperious and even if they did they would be leaving the school in the next year or two. what should i do should i confront them or just admire them from afar? i need help woth this question can some one help me?