February 7, 2008

Feeling: sinful
February 7, 2008 ~Today~ Well today was alright. I had to go to a eye doctor appointment which was alright and fast. After the doctors appointment I begged my mom to go to Bruggers and got some bagels. She finally said alright. Then I realized that since after being at the eye doctors I have to wear the little sun glasses things after they put drops in your eyes. So I really didn't want to walk around wearing the stupid sunglasses so stupidly enough i don't wear them and have a hard to walking to the shop. Which was very retarded of me to do. Later I get to my third period class skipping gym and math. And then even later that day I was waiting for my ride home when my semi-friends that I am mad at came up to me and started talking to me. Well since yesterday was 80's day Steve (no not the Steve on sitdiary) commented my outfit and said "You were so hot in that outfit I would have banged you" which made me kinda sick in the stomach considering he is ugly and jerk so having that image come to mind is nasty. Then my other semi-friend said that he wanted to bang me too so I just ignored them and walked over to my friend Misha and talked to her about random shit. Then after that I went to look at glasses which took 1 hour and 30 minutes because most of the glasses didn't fit me at all (as in they didn't look good on me) and the guy there told me that too which was fine because I agreed. And that was my boring day. ~yesterday~ Well yesterday was 80's day and the day before that was "wacky hair day". So the mix between my outfit and my hair was... interesting. Moving on, So my friend Brian came back from the mental hospital and the only reason he tried to kill himself was because a girl that he couldn't have that he didn't even like. So now that he's back he's receiving hugs and shit when like two other people besides me are pissed at him. I wanted to take a metal baseball bat and hit him in the dick. Although later that day I hit him directly where the sun doesn't shine twice and he told me I missed so I am guessing he either has a small penis or he is really a woman. Then at some point he came up to me and tried to hug me and I pushed him away and then he pushed me back. Blah... so yea
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