Listening to: Milestone - Brand New
I stayed home sick today. So did Michael. Go figure. I hardly ever get sick.
And when I got up this morning, I found my mom in bed being all "I have a headache and my throat is sore." I don`t know why, but it really annoyed me. Probably because I`ve been the one that`s been sick for the past 3 days and I kind of wanted to go to a doctor. I guess I`ll have to wait until my dad gets home to do that.
I love Demetri Martin. He`s pretty funny.
But errr, I`m bored now. The only thing to do in my room right now is either:
+Watch a movie
+Watch TV
+Play N64
+Play GameBoy
+Go on Myspace
+Organize my room
About 6 of those are boring.
i used to pray like god was listening.
i used to make my parents proud.
i was the glue that kept my friends together,
now they don`t talk and we don`t go out.
i used to know the name of every person i kissed.
now i`ve made this bed and i can`t fall asleep in it.
i hope you feel better.