Sorry guys...

Alright I've decided that it's too much work keeping up with a myspace and this sitdiary, so like all other myspace kids, I'm movin out! haha But just go to if you want to seeeee. I LOVE YOU!
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Okay so Clayton was working at Publix and when his friends came through he would let them have a lot of free food. Well the managers found out, showed him ALL of the tapes they had of him and fired him. They also added up the amount of money he owed for the food, ($210) and multiplied it by three, because that's how much they would charge if they sewed him. Sooo, he owes $630, but his friends feel really bad, so we threw him this "claytonfest", where we had a bunch of local bands play and had like a $2 entry fee and took a shitload of donations for him. It's safe to say he has some kickass friends because we ended up making around $180 for him. God I love him. lol Me and Shelby also made some shirts, they have a gun pointing to you on the back and it says "SAVE SHAW" (shaw is Clayton's last name.) Claytonfest was today, and it was a success. lol So how has everyone been?? Sorry I haven't updated but what can I say, I'm a lazy ass. Hope you guys are awesome. I LOVE YOU! P.S. Clayton got a job at Pompano's today as a bus boy so hells yeah!
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Until then!

I swear it's so fucking hard to choose a mood...there are too many. So how is everyone? Sorry for the lack of updates...I've been L-A-Z-Y lately. Jesus tapdancing christ I am sooooo excited about Christmas. We put our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night. I feel like such a goody goody...I have made straight A's on all 3 report cards so far...I swear I'm not a kiss ass. lol I just don't have any hard classes this semester. It has FINALLY gotten cold here! But of course when I say cold I am talking about 50's to 60's during the day...haha that's Panama City for you. Everybody's like ooh there was frost on my windshield this morning! lol Weeeellll all I really have to say is that I friggen love you Jenny...and of course my "Doll" too. lol Oh and Christine you better start getting online...I haven't talked to you in CENTURIES! <33
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Listening to: Silverstein
Feeling: bright
Yay Nich moved back! His dad finally let him leave military school. Old news but I haven't AND Miss Christine has decided to grace us with her presence by next December. That's a hell of a long time away but hey, I can always wait for my seester. Who the hell had the halloween party with the annonymous comment? lol I don't want to be a jerk and just blow off your comment. Yessss no school this Friday...I got my hair cut. I told the lady I wanted 3 inches off...I came out with six off. Haha but it's hair, it will grow back. So now it is down to...well it almost goes over my boobs, but not quite. Haha sorry but I couldn't find anywhere else to compare it to. I am so effing stoked about Christmas....I showed my mom the new i-pod I want, and the camera. Among other items. lol I am very happy right happy with life that I am slightly scared. Makes me wonder when it's all going to come crashing down on me. lol But as for now, things have NEVER been better... So I guess the shout-outs go to a few people today... 1 to Christine for moving back, and 2 to STFU...haha for giving me those excellent ideas about killing Salvatore's. And lastly, to surfnaked, just because you are so awesome and because you were feeling so down a couple of weeks ago. I LOVE YOU! <33
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Listening to: the spill canvas
Feeling: good
Haha okay I am updating now. UHHH last night we went to see Saw was fucking fantastic. I want to see the first one again. We are going to JC's haunted house tonight...holy shit I am so excited/scared shitless. lol I went there 2 years ago and it was so scary. Shelby cried. She was wearing flip-flops, and one of the guys with a chain saw stepped on the back of it and it came off but she was so scared she just ran and sat in a corner and flipped out...she was crying and the rest of us were laughing and screaming our asses off at the same time. Clayton is in Tallahasse this weekend, his sister goes to college at FSU and he drove up there to go to the skate park...and to drink of course. lol So I am without him this weekend. So how is everyone?? I am excellent. Wow I think for the first time I have nothing to say...haha. I am going to eat some cookies...57 days until Christmas!! Hell yeah! First Christmas with a yess.
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Listening to: the flamming lips
Feeling: amazing
Wow...that is the perfect word for this weekend so far. Last night was excellent. Went to a party at the campsite, had enough alcohol for the "anything could happen and I would still feel fucking great" attitude, but then this bitch called the cops because we were too loud. Like 35 fucking people showed up to this one little campsite, half of which we didn't even know. So while everyone is bailing, I stayed behind to help Phil and Henry get their tents taken down. Haha that was fun. All of us were drunk by the way. lol When we got it all taken care of Jeremy drove me, Clayton, Caroline (happy birthday!) and Phil to Phil's house, and the party started back up there. Haha the neighbors called at like 2:30 saying, "umm yes this is your neighbor and I just wanted to ask you to keep it down over there because it's almost 3 in the morning and we would like to go to sleep. Thanks." It was in that infuriated tone that you just knew it was everything he could do not to yell. lol After everyone passed out we went to the bedroom and tried a few new tricks. That's always fun. lol I made sure I drank a hell of alot of water earlier this week so I am feeling awesome right now. headache no nothing. I was able to maintain this perfectly happy and careless feeling the whole night. Lovely. I am so fucking glad there's no school today or tomorrow. I love you Panama City. lol Peace guys. <33 P.S. My weekend just went up like 65436516841365 cool like closest guy friend EVER told me that he loves the way that sometimes he can't concentrate when he talks to me because I'm so beautiful. He is so sweet. can make any girl feel like a million bucks by telling her that. lol Thank you Julien...
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almost perfect

Feeling: excellent
There are so many words for your current mood...hmmm. Classes just changed, all of mine are the same except for 2nd peroid. I now have basketball. WTF?! 43 people in that class too, and the coach said that we would be writing a paper every week. For 9 damn weeks I am in this class. Haha the schedules said that the class was in the GYM, so I show up in the gym and see like 8 other kids in there, then adrienne and brianna showed up and we all hung out in there teacherless for 30 minutes before this guy from the football team was like...uhh basketball is in the research room. Shit. So like 12 of us walk into this class of 30-something kids and we feel like total what an awesome Friday. We finally had a peprally, but I think it was only for Homecoming. We didn't feel like going so me Clayton, Jeff, and Kevin just went to Walmart, rock-it lanes, and then Joey's java juice, instead of Walmart was awesome. My mom went to the seafood festival last night and brought me back cotton candy and a candy apple. Yesss. lol I am talking to alot of my guy friends that I lost touch with this summer, everything is picking itself back up and I feel fucking great. haha even though I am sure my next entry will be talking about how much I hate life...cut cut. lol Just kidding. But we wouldn't be girls if we weren't so fucking dramatic. <33 you guys
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Listening to: zero7
Feeling: content
Well everything is definately begining to smoothe over. Everyone has figured out that Trish is a complete liar...and I really just don't care anymore either. Feels good not to care. I am SO happy that tomorrow is Friday. This weekend should be nice and relaxed, not to mention an awesome party I'm going to this weekend. Yesss! Is it bad that I spend alot of time on the computer? I think I'm I am so happy, I passed parallel parking! Shweet! I think I'm going to go and shower...then eat again. haha Eating is one of my favorite things to do in the world! I love food! Don't get the idea that I'm fat though...I'm 5'7 and I weigh 106. I want to gain wait Can't wait until this weekend!!!! <33
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Oh boy...what to do... This week was fun for me, then again Shelby and I have decided to kick Trish's ass, so I guess it hasn't been such a great week for her. All of this shit between Jeremy and Shelby is really exhausting. In a nutshell, Jeremy broke up with his girlfriend of 5 months for no apparent reason after telling her how they would spend the rest of their lives together and even planning on how he would propose to her...he's a senior. Not even a week later he's "talking" to another girl, who happens to be Clayton's (my boyfriend) ex. Well Shelby's down to 89 lbs and just wants him back, and he won't even give her the time of day. What we thought was our good friend Trish decides the day after Shelby and Jeremy broke up to say, "Hey Jeremy, now that you and Shelby aren't going out anymore, we should hang out." Did I mention she's the ugliest fucking girl I've ever seen in my life?! She also happens to think that Clayton has a thing for her and Brianna's boyfriend Ian likes her too. Oh there's more, she likes to brag about getting fingered, aparently because it so rarely happens to her, and giving other guys handjobs and shit. Because that's all that little slut can get for now. Well this guy that she likes thinks she's also ugly as shit (who doesn't) and everyone is saying she gave him head. Rumor or not...I don't know but what I do know is that she's proud of it. WHAT A FUCKING WHORE. Next time she "cuts", I hope she does it better and DEEPER. (Thanks for the thought Christine) Now I feel like karma is going to bite me in the ass. shit. I just can't wait untill this whole thing blows over. Every one thinks that they have to pick sides when it has nothing to do with them. Today is a gay Sunday. I have a hell of alot of cleaning to do, and I think my washer just broke. lol At least I have my Clayton. I just hope he comes to see me today, otherwise, it will be a really ugly Sunday. Sorry I'm such a bitch today. I wish I could post about happy things right now but that's not reality. <33 You guys
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Woa...I don't really care, I'm useless when it comes to creativity. Do anything you like Princess Waka Waka! We're a;ready getting progress reportls like Friday and we just got report cards last Wednesday. Gay. Well today was a shitty day. Enough said, I am already counting down the days until this weekend comes. I remember calling your answering machine! God I think we had to be the stangest kids...I honestly think we were the only people in the world that did those weird things. I can't wait until you come down! I think I might go to Colorado for my birthday. I want to go snowboarding with Clayton, if we're still together. you like?
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yo heather

k dont freak out i'm not done i just wanted to get rid of the crazy colors. ahh im cleaning james' room with him cause its nasty and all..its taken like 2384728394 hours and we still arent done but its like a billion times better and i DO remember that time you puked on my brother...and then just went back to sleep haha. and that time we spent like 234897 hours calling my answering machine and making farting noises and then replaying it and dying of laughter..nerds!!! tell me what you want me to put on your a theme or something idk..
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Revolting is error. Resign it lover.

Listening to: zero7
Feeling: content
Wow...I vote that I update a little more often. lol YESS all A's bitches! I don't think that's happened since like 4th grade. Honestly. It seems like everyone has a significant other right now, and most of them are already falling apart. Luckily Clayton and I are just dandy. We've been dandy like candy since 4/11. (dandy like candy???) lol I think I am going to check out other people's sites because i have no friends in this diary community thing. Everyone at school has moved from xanga (at least the upperclassmen) to myspace. EVERYBODY has a myspace!!!! Christine, you better come down this summer and stay down! lol Oh hey Jenny got her braces off, they look good. So did Brianna and Trish. Everyone kind of gets them off and on at the same time. Weird. I can't even read what i have in that lime green color here...yup i need redecorating. That's where you come in Princess Waka Waka. :) I went to Sweet Basils with Clayton and family tonight. It was fun, the food there blows though. lol We went to gay rock-it lanes afterwards to play pool, only because there is nothing else to do in this small hic town. Hah and i can't forget racing Clayton on those video game cars or whatever...yea...i got ownt. lol Only WOW nerds would know what i am talking about. Oh yay we drive tomorrow in Driver's Ed. PARALLEL PARKING! GAHH! I have no idea how to pull that off but i guess i will learn. I am a very good driver...most days. lol I love how there aren't going to be any more pep rallys because basically the entire junior class tried to walk out of the last one. Principal Haley said "this school spirit shouldn't be turned into a war of the classes." Bullshit. I can't wait for the senior prank.Well i am going to go shower, bye!
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okay who the hell is that "heraftermath" chik and how does she know your grandma??? lol j/k but tell me this story about the weed cause i am so jealous right now!!! So are all of you happy i am updating? lol Oh and Jenny...i didn't apply @ beach scene just because JESSICA (that's how you spell it) works there. And Brianna apllied there because we wanted to get a job together. now that that's cleared Wow i think i like...5 guys right now! lol and the one im hooking up with doesn't interest me at all...go figure. WoW i sound like a total bitch...sorry Jenny don't hate... i am a bitch right now. lol Well me and Victoria and Nichole and Trish are going to the beach tomorrow...heck yess!!! i need to tan my white ass. lol i fucking miss you so much Christine...( okay now i feel like a lesbo)LOL!!! i am sending some pictures with your christmas you better send me some too! lol my addy is P.O. Box 19753 Panama City bch, FL 32407 Well im gonna go find a party because i need to lighten up! dolla bills yo...*
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alright alright...

hah* okay then, today i am a coconut. omfg i am really happy right now...wanna know y? well i don't really know but i'll tell you later. anyway, i like 2 new people, and yes Christine they are freakin hott so you better get your tan butt down here soon! lol Uhh we have final exams tomorrow and Friday! eek ekk! lol so what is every one doing over x-mas break? 10 days HECK YEA!!! i can't wait till my birthday, 37 days! ... anywhoo im gonna go study for geometry, NOT! lol im really bored, so i'll just go and eat that emotion away... hah if you like pina~coladas*...
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Hey this weekend is really gonna suck. im grounded for getting "attitude" for that bitchy thing ppl call i really wanna go to a party with someone* this weekend but hey im grounded! anyway...22 days till x-mas! well how was the freshmen ball? i heard it was gay and fun?! well tonight i get to go grocery shopping with my mom, then were gonna get a Christmas tree, THEN i get to go to the movie with her too! oh boy just what i wanted! lol well i think i've been enough of a bitch 4 to day so peace!!* STILL lovin him......*
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Well this is alot like xanga...i signed up because Christine and Jenny did, lol How do you get layouts? I can't wait until x-mas! WHOO!! 23 days...Yea well i'm going to go eat...hah *peace
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