almost perfect

Feeling: excellent
There are so many words for your current mood...hmmm. Classes just changed, all of mine are the same except for 2nd peroid. I now have basketball. WTF?! 43 people in that class too, and the coach said that we would be writing a paper every week. For 9 damn weeks I am in this class. Haha the schedules said that the class was in the GYM, so I show up in the gym and see like 8 other kids in there, then adrienne and brianna showed up and we all hung out in there teacherless for 30 minutes before this guy from the football team was like...uhh basketball is in the research room. Shit. So like 12 of us walk into this class of 30-something kids and we feel like total what an awesome Friday. We finally had a peprally, but I think it was only for Homecoming. We didn't feel like going so me Clayton, Jeff, and Kevin just went to Walmart, rock-it lanes, and then Joey's java juice, instead of Walmart was awesome. My mom went to the seafood festival last night and brought me back cotton candy and a candy apple. Yesss. lol I am talking to alot of my guy friends that I lost touch with this summer, everything is picking itself back up and I feel fucking great. haha even though I am sure my next entry will be talking about how much I hate life...cut cut. lol Just kidding. But we wouldn't be girls if we weren't so fucking dramatic. <33 you guys
Read 22 comments
girls are evil, by the way.

like your evil comments to me.

that just proves you have a vagina right?

oh yea..

you loveeee meeeee
cracker quit calling me a wheeny.
or i'll chop off yours.
yea, you big man.

haha that last part is truuuee.
yeah, i almost did kill the sub.
it was a "man if this guy wasn't holding me back, i'd SO break your hip old man" kinda thing.

i loove your layout as well, the picture is beautiiful.< 3
Oh yes, thank god for fall break. I need my breaks much as possible. I'm counting down to Christmas Break. 18 days with nooo school. Its heaven.

lucky.. im effin sick kinda :(
ya.. i haven't got ne of it yet.. im gettin it all together at middle or the end of the month.. but newayz.. my mom effin sucks sometimes
lol yeah i know, i was thinking that.
aw thanks, hes doing better now, i heard he has to have surgery again they have to take off this leg... :-/
but thanks for caring :-)
Ahh. That sucks. I remember in middle school they did that to us. In 6th grade there was no uniform, but once I got to 7th they enforced it. We had to wear khaki pants, and colored polo shirts. Its suckkkked. Not only was it ugly, but like..god, it made it so boring. Everyone was dressed the same. The only uniforms I like are school uniforms with plaid skirts and button down shirts. I think their cute lol.

most sane individuals do
btw, having a class about basketball where you have to write homosexual..
you know what i mean?

basketball players dont write.
right on..
good times good times

remember when we had those worm thingies from field day? those fish lures? and we would give them 'shots' with our mechanical pencils..

haha yea heroin addict fish lures.
i bet im not spelling lures right.

but..i bet you dont know if i am or not.

and remember when i used to bring stuffed animals to school so people could babysit them..and..give them shots with mechanical pencils..ha lead poisoning
i have to pee.

i have this picture of me & you with marshmellows in our eye sockets.

cause thats how we roll.

not really.

but i just like the word.


my papaw has this country accent so when he says shorts it sounds like sharts..hashdlkahsd HAHAHA.
like one time he was saying sometime to my brother about his 'sharts' and i was like holy fuck did he just say sharts?!?!?
i sharted
hey YOU.

heather leather.

pigging out
get it?
yea i bet you dont
cause you been smoking too much dope

Oh man that blowwws. We already had our ballot for uniforms and a lot of the seniors voted for them for next year. I was like "noooo." So not fair. My senior year is already going to be screwed over because of our new principal who just loves to put cameras everywhere and bust us for..doing nothing. Uniforms would just look ugly. Our school colors are purple and white =/

♥ Carrie
i remember that
i had your note where you said you felt bad about her hair.
lol awesomness
lol thanks i like yours to its cool

um thats Tim Pagnotta the lead singer of the band Sugarcult. :-)
lol yeah