Listening to: Breaking the habit
Feeling: placid
well i got into a huge fight with my parnets and i slaped my mom bite abd punched my dad and broke this bird feeder. so now their saying i have to pay for the bird feeder and their making an appiontment with a juvi judge to see if they can file a case against me as a unruley child. if they win id most likely go to ydc for about 30 days. this shit sucks.
then the next night i got a huge nic fit and i was rocking back and forth even when i was walking and begging for a cig. but even in the state i was in they refused. god my parnets suck. but i least i can now cuse around them and not get in trouble. well g2g
Love Ya
Jessica Segner
only they dont threat to do anything because they know they're never see me again :)
nice diary btw