[59]school starts soon

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Feeling: alone
well yesterday i went to open house. wow my school went from 1 highschooler (me) to 14. there are going to be 7 11th graders, 3 12th graders and im not sure about the rest. i also found out that one of the guys i meet last year (some came from the school nextdoor to mine) had a cursh on me last year. and hes kinda cute. but theres also a new guy whos going to be in 10th grade thats also really cute and he seemed to be intersed in me. its going to be a crazy year. i also got my schedule for this year, its going to be so easy. i have UShistory and Chemistry, and a 1 hour free time on Monday Wensday and friday. and USlit SAT and Alg2, and 30 free time on tuesday and thurday. plus i already have homework, we have to read this really good book called stargirl and the theacher wants us to have a third of it read by thursday, well i alreay have a third read and plan on finshing it by 2morrow. school is actually going to be fun for once. and i think my fav subject is going to be US lit cause we have a really coll teacher. well g2g cut up a watermelen. Love Ya Jessica Segner
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hey i saw that you signed forevesilence's sitdiary, asking what JORBY is..and thats me, and my boyfriend..my name is Jordan, and his name is Bobby..so they all put that lil' nick name together...

him and his friends dont like me that much, and they just like to start shit...

pretty immature if you ask me..