I pretty much feel like crap. I am very bloated and I threw up this morning. And obviously Im not at skool. I had a very weird dream last night. Okay.. It started where I was driving my dads car by myself and I dont remember where I was going but I turned the car off and got out and someone took the car while I was turned. I started freaking out and then went to see my Geometry teacher. (wft??) and then it appeared in the parking lot beside me. So I got back in and saw this interesting book and started reading it instead of watching the road. Luckly I didnt hit anybody but I do remember see the place I was before. I went in a circle. So I told myslef brandie pay attention to the road and not the book. Then i parked it again and this time someone stole my stuff and the outside parts from the car. So again I starting having a cow and I saw these bratty kids throwing around my stuff and I went up to them and just pulled it out of thier hands. Then strangly I ended up in Vermont and I went inside this house and about 9 guys were playing playstation against each other. Well I yelled over the music and told them that I needed help finding the parts that got stolen from the car. So they started to line up in 2 lines. Heres the part I dont understand. Carlos stepped out of the lines and waved and smiled at me. I was the happyest person in the world then (he moved and is now in Vermont, I had the biggest crush on him) but we started walking around looking for the parts. And i remember look for him so I could we could talk. I turned and someone said Makenai! to me. (It means dont give up in Japanese)I didnt get that part of of my dream. But then I saw the stolen parts and we tried to get them but we couldnt. then I woke up. I cant explain why I had that dream...
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i hate my foods class! my group treats me like a 3 yr old! i have a class with garrett in which im getting in trouble in because we are talking, thanks to cc. but im over sam. he can go fuck himself if he tries to hurt me again. well, ttyl!