Are you thinking of me when you fuck her?

Feeling: impressed
Yesterday, show in the streets. I was tired as fuck from staying up the night before and also the drinking so about 4:30PM I get a call that Radio Silence is on in 10 min. so I fucking dash out of the house. Luckily I made it in time and rocked out to my favorite local band which I plan on seeing Friday again. I see lots of familiar faces. Meet lots of people. Eat a hamburger. There's this girl whose name on myspace is Cunt. She looks like a koala bear, and she also looks fake. Therefor I must be as mean to her as possible. So now me and Vinnie are friends again, and that rocks because he's fun to talk to. Also everyone thinks I'm dating Ryan [Emosux]...or am I...Brian, you tell me. [I finished the 6th Harry Potter book] All I want right now is a cherry coke from IHOP. Is that so much to fucking ask? JB is back with Camille now. I said a lot of hurtful things to him, all of which I meant. I hope he has fun pretending he's in love, and when he's fucking her...hope he's thinking of me. I saw Max downtown. It made me notice couples. I wanted to hold hands with someone and have them wrap their arms around me...however I could do that with half the guys that were there, I just wanted it to be real.
Read 42 comments
yeah the quote is part of a qoute and i added more on to it.
Yeah, money would be nice. I hate that. So much money it warps your brain into thinking your the coolest person in the world and everyone wants to be around you, and it's okay to be a fucking cunt.

Damn. Someone murder those people.
grrr lol emo enough for you?
haha oh the sarcasm...ill get you tiger
Sounds wonderful, I'm game.
heck yes i feel special! :)...thanx again!
Then move here :] But it sucks, too, so we can run away together :] Where do you wanna go?
not when im done with ya your not
Ok. Sounds like a plan to me :]
regarding your header qoute

it really is worth being lonely... yup
well i guess it depends on your definition of it, but we will see champ, on more than one occasion
mmmm sexy haha
You know, I wanna go inside your wine cabinet and pull myself out a stiff one.
Whats wrong? Just really tired?
what convertible?
Yay for long periods of sleep. I havent been able to sleep that long in years >.>
So hows our baby doing?
oh its a promise alright
you want a ring already?
yeah convertibles rock except when they emss up your hair
well i know that you dont want it for the right you'll have to wait
lol i dotn no if tehy saw like a fat chik riding ina convertible they would b like that is fuckin cuzin eric when he sees sumone ugly doing sumthin a good looking person would or wearing cool stuff he would b like that should be is so funnyy
haha umm... yeah i love anime too. i have seen so many
IHOP is fucking love.
aw man you are briefly emo..its like cute even...haha...jump the shit! i dare you to
I dont know. My " target="_New">cat is pretty hot, too ^_^ Shes like: get that fucking thing out of my god damn face, bitch

Oo myspace wars! I love em. They're so funny. I get into fights on here a lot. I think its hilarious. People are stupid.

heh, i'll tell ya later what i think on it. i had some fun at the concert... although i stayed only for like.... 20 mins. saw some people i knew, that was cool. how'd ya like the cherry coke? i'll bet you loved it. yeah, i wont get off work till late tonight. but i'll call ya.
fuckers. um, dont click on cat. the HTML fucked up. i'll post it on my diary :]

Yea, I take that kinda back. The shirts Ive gotten there [like 3] have been good quality. So whatever. I'll kill you for correcting me :
Haha, you're on myspace right now. Thought you hated it? :]
How much longer til our baby is here AND WHY THE FUCK DOES MY CD PLAYER KEEP CUTTING OFF??? damnit mother fuckers

Highlight them bitches. Fucking HTML wont work for some reason >.>

good cause we are way too tight on the whole way to honest thing haha, besides, you are amy-fuckin-lee biatch, and thats badass shit
oh man you think so huh? i think i can more than handle your shit thanks. Im beyond confident in that fact tiger. you just want me to test it
Haha sure. If thats what you want
you cant last that many hours babe, but we will see at some point
lucky you! I only have 2 more years of this bullshit!..i cant wait to get out of here..and this shity town, it sucks.
ha, name the time and the place and the position
I live six hours from the nearest IHOP. I feel your pain.

Yeh, I have a feeling this guy won't be coming back.

Going out with a guy more then once (unless you're incredibly horny and he's awesome in bed) is a bad idea in itself. People tend to forget you broke up for a reason...
Ten minutes? Oh, fucker. D:

Yes, sex is always wonderful...necessary, and a damn good excuse.
What is it with all these fucking lameass shows full of fakes?

I swear. I'm sure half of those girls put botox in their pussy's because they think they "sag".
you are going to shatter the poor boy's dreams....haha
that sounds sexy....may i watch?
wow, thats flippin awesome..i have always wanted to know how to do hair! is my life!..hahaha, well thats awesome, i'll come to you so you can hook me up with new looks! :)

well ttyl
awwww that's mean

but i'd still like to see you in 7 inch heels
aww thank you for the comment! this is like my first nice comment so far in my newest entry..thanx you're the bestest!
