
Nodded off, the little fool. Dribbled a thin string of drool that puddled on the desk in a germy pool. Why do some kids come to school?
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Yay! Ms. Sova! Good job you finally got a SitDiary. Very good poem Mr. McClure thinks it's amusing too. He's reciting his own horrible poetry... uhh..
Yay! Ms. Sova! Good job you finally got a SitDiary. Very good poem Mr. McClure thinks it's amusing too. He's reciting his own horrible poetry... uhh..
mey ms sova...
Sova! It's Carla! I love you! *butt rubs*
So we meet again! bwahahahaha...

er, sorry. any who, this is Patric. good to see you have one of these, and like the poem.

see you at school,

Woman! I didn't see you at Christmas in the Village! *glares evilly* You're in luck because my blood work came back normal so I wasn't sick. Apparently I was just super stressed I guess. That sort of rhymed... I've decided that I'm going to student teach in probably Ghana my senior year. Isn't that exciting?! Hehe. Let's hope I don't die. Hrm... Oh, and yes, your bum did look good in the gray dress. Haha. Yes, I realize you were mocking me. Love!
oh! my story that I neglected to send you is on here!

if you click on 'find diary,' type in [Everybody Solo] (minus the brackets) and that is it...
Hey Ms. Sova,
This is Adriane Ware. We (my subservient lackies and I) have created a sitdiary dedicated to the Anthem club. Instead of printing off the minutes of each meeting, they will just be posted here and made available to anyone who is interested.
OMG Sova has a sit diary!!!!!
That's cool. I like the poem.
Hey Ms. Sova! :) This is Emi! I have one of these fun little guys too! :) Yay!
Hey Ms. Sova, it's Sarah, your fave 5th block aide!! I didn't know you had a SitDiary, you should update =D even though the poem rocks my socks! Love you, see you Tuesday!
(cowgirl21 here)