i feel your pain i got all the shit taken away from me 2!!~lickmehard420 it wont let me sign it so theres my name
i miss my curfew too. its 11 also. cuz last night i came home 30 mins late andmy dad changed it back. so at least my moms is still 12.. jen jen
It sucks not having all of those things. Did you get in some sort of trouble with your rents?

I love your background.
i took the quiz and my results were the power rangers movie
How'd you wreck your car? Mine's about to blow up
That really sucks that you wrecked your car! Atleast you're okay though.
Wow, that sucks. My car's about to blow up because my transmission is so shot but its not worth fixing so pretty soon I won't have a car to drive at all. My graduation is actually on Thursday but tomorrow is the last day of school. I was done on Monday only because I had to go into the office for second hour. It feels great to be done so I can just start over and leave all of the H.S. drama and bullshit behind ...
That's crappy that you owe the insurance company money ... My car is about to not be driveable pretty soon and my mom doesn't care and I fought with my dad so I doubt I'll get another one ...

Why do you miss your hair?
I cut my hair short last week but I love it
well thanx....and props to you for cupcakes.
tis a badass film