sometimes i sit and think about all the things wrong with the world, and it often takes the whole day.
with every birth there is a death, with every first breath there is a last. We are all dying into nothing captivated in the hatred that has cradeled us for so long, we never stop to think about the people we step over to climb to the top or take atvantage of to make a quick dollar...with every first kiss there is a love lost, and the others sit alone unwanted and weak they cry for all the wishes ungranted, all the prayers unanswered, all dreams are just dreams they can't come true and all of our lives we have been manipulated into believing that we can make a difference but we can't we have nothing to lose nothing to gain our souls are slowly shrinking but in a strange way this isn't that big of a deal...because we all end up the same,... eaqual.
oh yeah you entry was interesting but wonderfully wierd!