*28* I love you!

ok ok ok ok I'm really lovin' my new house. Even though my room is too cold so I spend 100% of the time in my living room. I only have 6 more weeks until this kid is out. I can't wait, it sucks being fat lol. I havn't talked to trav in a week so I think I might call him today to see if he's still alive, lol. Surprisingly I havn't heard from anyone today, that's craziness. Mom is leaving in two hours for work... I can't wait until she gets a shift during the day. Which should be soon. Anyways, I can't wait till christmas is over. I hate the holidays. well I'm bored so I'm going to do something else. L8 Jessica
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Well I only have till next month until I'm a mom. Why am I not excited. I was for the longest time. People ask me if I'm scared, or worried.... I'm not. I'm not happy though. Maybe it's the fact that now I'll always be connected to him. He's still in his "I'm going to kill myself" stange, he won't quit lieing to me. I love him but hate him so much. I don't want his kid, I don't want him, I don't care anymore about being a mom. Anyways I had a fun day today. lol. g2g jessica
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*26* sigh

I only got 9 more weeks! I get to g olook at the hospital in 3 weeks... I got a bunch of things from my first babyshower, I've got one more coming. Brittany's babyshower is in dec, woot woot. We should be moved in our new home by this weekend, i;m so excited. I get the basement to myself with the baby. I've never been happier in my life! Only a couple months till I have my baby, I've got the sexiest boyfriend in the world, I've got a new home, I'm 18, and yeah lots of other things. anyways I have to get going, gotta go home to help mom. L8 Jess
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*25* woot

We got a place now! I'm really excited. I'm happy I get to leave Ash's. anyways I finally talked to travis. I love him ^_^ !!! I have 2 more months till autumn's born. yupp yupp. anyways I have to go.... l8 Jess
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*24* hmm

Tomorrow is Halloween. Spiffy. I'm most likely going back to stay with my mom tomorrow at Ash's. Me and Jessie have doc. appiontments tomorrow. Woot. Erika gets off work in 20 minutes. Yay! I'm bored. Anyways I have nothing to write today.... I've been so freakin bored all day. l8 Jessica
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*23* busy

still at jessie's. we are busy mommies lol... her more so. I got a medicaid app. today and got some apps. from different places so I can have money to put a down payment on a apartment. Tomorrow I'm going to get an app. for section 8, and turn in my other apps. We've been so busy. One of my babyshowers is in a couple on weeks. I'm trying ot get a hold of Travis so we can talk about baby stuff. He's hasn't seen her sonagram pics yet. I should be getting an apartment soon with mom for a little bit. I want autumn to actually have a home when she's born. I love her so much. I want what's best for our baby. Nothing's going to get me down anymore... I need to focus on my daughter and getting stable like getting my GED, permit, and me.(lol and travis). My 3rd appiontment is on halloween. yay! KK i'm out. L8 Jessica
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*22* Whatever

I'm still at Jessie's house.... Mom and Ash got into a fight so we're going back to Jamie's. We should have a house in a little over a week if momma doesn't blow her check. I'm really tired. I got to hear her heart beat for the second time. She's getting so big. She's extremly heathly too. I started talking my iron pills, my doc scared me. I have low iron so the baby and me could get hurt really easily. anyways I must get going..... L8 Jess
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*21* This sux

I'm tired..... I'm at Jessie's house w/ Jordan waiting for their dad to come home..... Mom's mad at me cause I spent my b-day with my friends instead of the family. I never get to see anyone. Ash and Tom got me a motion lamb thingy.....and mom and granny both gave me 20$. Update on where I've been.... We got evited and now we're staying with ashley In her apartment. I hate it, It's so depressing not being able to hang out with anyone. There's no phone, cable, or internet there. My b-day kind of sucked. Maybe I shouldn't have left with my friends and just stayed home with them. Then no one would be freakin mad at me. I think I'm going to go lay down.... Email me and I'll call yeah or email you back when I get a chance. L8 Jessica
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Baby's new name is Autumn! The middle name is a bit hard but I'll prolly stick with my middle name Lynn. I'm getting fat! That's good. I'm ready to get her out though. I now have a milliondy clothes for her now.... I still need to get everything else like a crib, but that's being taken care of. Baby shower is going to be in november.... can't have it in december cause of holidays and it's going to be snowy and close to time for baby in jan. anyways...... must be going.... L8 Jessica
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*19* Mommy!

It's a Mommy.... or if you don't understand it's a GIRL! Due date: Jan. 20, 2006. 4 more months to go. I have pictures of her but I forgot how to add pics on here.... Daddy(or jessie's baby) was born yesterday.. He's really cute! If your one of my friends with my space I'll have a pic of her there..... I have to go eat now... l8. Jess
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*18* babies!

1 month 21 days.... until I am 18! WOOT! The day I've been waiting for since I could remember. I'm so excited. Anyways Andy died or something. I didn't go to his wedding, that is if he even had a wedding. Mom has a job working at the crazy people hospital.... spiffy *snickers*. She needs a car! I go to the first doctors app. in 10 days! Hopefully I'm fall along enough to tell what she is....tehe. I get put on WIC sep.22. I'm getting a crib, stroller, clothes, carseat, and things like that as soon as I find out what I'm having!!! Mom acts more excited then I do sometimes, lol. I had a freaky dream last night...well not freaky but very weird. I'm never sleeping again, lol. I'm bored, people need to get out of school! it's only 11. I'm going to go play rune scape now.... L8. Jessica*
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*17* sick

Umm, I got to play mom today. I took Kody to his open house, I hate his teacher. I puked a bunch today. I finally get to go to the doctor.... I have a phone thingy Wednesday with a nurse, then a week after that I get to go to the doc. Sep. 22 I have to go to WICK. yay :/ Well umm yeah that's it. l8 jess
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*16* Day off

Yay it's my day off! There's nothing to do though...lol. I thought I would get paid this today but I wont till next Friday. Yesterday was a bad day. everyone I called hung up, which is okay because then all I had to do was basically sit there but it's bad pay. Thomas moved all his funiture in today.... I wonder when they're moving out. anyways I have to go to sleep. L8 Jess
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*15* erg

**********It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.************ Sorry I thought that was cute.
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*14* umm

Today was just like any day.... I woke up at like noon, watch t.v. helped john clean his room, then he helped clean my room. Now I'm getting ready to go to work. I'm really tired again for some reason. Oh well after today I get tomorrow and Saturday off. Yay! Neways I have to go. l8 jessica
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*13* work ^_^

I have to leave to go to work again really soon. I got off at 10... :/ got woke up by britt. She's having a girl. I hope I have a girl.... she cursed me now so I'm most likely having a boy. lol I don't care what baby is. Well I have to peeeeee. L8 SidE
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Well I'm getting ready to go to work. After talking to trav last night I really don't know what went on. It's nice to know he'll never be there to annoy me but in the same way it's sad. I really did try to like him to just because he liked me so much. But I would think about if I could see myself with him. To tell the truth I couldn't. He's to immature. And that scares me, because how would he treat the baby. So I guess this was the best thing for us... to just end our friendship or whatever was to be, now before it was to late. I hate being alone more then anything in the world. I let so many good people slip away. I do feel better about myself, I'm not so angry and I am extremly outgoing. I don't want to raise baby by myself. But I will do it just so the wrong person doesn't ruin anything. I'm ready to go to work. I turn 18 in 2 months! Then i'm getting my driving permit. As of right now I'm focusing on work and getting my G.E.D. I have to go now. Jessica
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*11* ummm okay

I 'm tired. It's 12:30 and I can't sleep. It sux. Lol, I find a job I like finally and my mom doesn't want me working there. That's okay I'll work there still. Travis decided to call me and tell me that all I cared about was myself and he doesn't care what I think anymore. Which is stupid he was acting imature and burnt up Tiger. Everyone likes ruining my things. Oh well. I wish he would dissapear. He made me seem like an idiot. I almost got kicked out for him. He's a guy though. Not even dating him and trying to protect him from bad comments. Things have been bad latley. I got into a bad fight with Mom. I hurt her pretty bad, I feel bad. I have anger issues. On top of my normal everyday mental problems. I was going to the doctor Friday, but he wouldn't see us because of insurance. So I have no clue what's going on with that. I want to make sure my baby's okay. I started training today. It was okay. We took a test on sexual harrassment(I actually missed 2). We had to read a script thingy over and over and over again. Then after it was all over A couple of couple *NICE* couple people asked sam for a ride. Twas scary. (They don't know us) lol Bob. Anyways I have to go now. L8 SIDward
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blah de blah.... I cut my hair....well sort of... I cut my hair in the front a little and fixed the back and now I have better black highlights. I go to the doctor tomorrow..... also I have to go fill out papers at CRF.... Me, bob, and Jack work at the same place..... I sit on my butt talking on the phone...yay. I have a cold, it sux. I want a baby sister... mom needs to make one... **hint hint, Stu**
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