
(this is a view of having a guy best friend.. joanna your message comes next although you might have read that first)

Finally you come to me... but i never thought you'd be the one. lets start this back in elementary school. i grew up with a start of 11 boys in my class by the 6th grade there were only 4, me included. jason and jaden always just went with each other... and i was left there.. scott was either with them or sometimes he would come with me.. but normally he was with me.. it didnt bother me.. fore i had what ever person treasures, a BEST FRIEND. scott and i would randomly call each other and just be like hi or something and then hang up. in the 7th grade i transfered to the public school.. i feared that i would never have a best friend again. and the worst i feared, of not having a best friend, came true. well, yes, i had alot of great friends but no best friend. just a couple of weeks ago i saw scott for the first time in well 5 years i guess. boy he didn't change but i sure have, and so has his little bro austin.. who isn't so little anymore.. we talked and got to know each other again.. but he was and is still remaining homeschooled.. so i cant really ever relate to him on anything cause he lives in the boonies of svea.i had always hoped that he would come back and be my friend again. but i never had such luck. i used to be really mopey and sad and well depressed alot.. and people never really got the message they all thought it was because i was being picked on and i wanted people to feel bad for me but the truth is i didnt have anyone to even talk to me hardly. at first when i started dating trisha about 4 months into our dating she suggested that we go hang out with sara and mario. i realy didn't know mario and well sara was in my french class and we hated each other (funny cause now we're tight) but anyway i was skeptical but i went anyway for trisha after that night i felt even more depressed cause trisha and sara kept talking about their past together and mario kept talking about his best friend eric. i still didn't have a best friend. well after a couple of months i couldn't handle it and i broke down. trisha said well you can come hang out with sara mario and myself.. i said what's the point they are your friends. she said naw you can become friends with mario.. i didnt think i wanted to cause he was best friends with a kid whom i really disliked. but everything changed at the begining of this summer.. mario seemed to be with sara and have no conversation about eric anymore i noticed it right away. when mario started to text me i was like ok sweet i have a texting friend (well, we both have verizon so it's free and yeah it's fun to be able to randomly text someone and not worry about costs) and then he sara and trisha wanted to go to valley fair i was like ok sure i got the day off and everything was set. but that whole day i was with trisha and i never really spoke a word to sara or mario. but on sunday july 22 mario did something that i will never forget. he invited me to join him in sending our girls off to europe.. i was so happy not just to say goodbye to trisha but actually be able to have some bonding time with mario. we went on that trip and well it felt awkward at first but it got better as time went on. when we got back we would send each other messages of greetings or funny things to keep our minds off our girls. the next day mario came to work to talk to me on my break and that night we went to a movie.. it helped me alot. but that week i traveled to grandmarais and while i was up there he helped me out but it was still hard because i was all alone and my cousins were being jerks so i had no one and i would sit in the cabin for hours just thinking of trisha and mario and sara and thinking of our fun summer and then it started to hit me. and it continues to hit me. i'm in tears while i write starting to think of this coming year. i will be able to call or text at anytime, but i'll never have the luxury of just popping over to sara's house or mario's and seeing them.. my three best buds will be at least 3 - 4 hours away. and dammit i have to drive past sara's house every fricken day two times or more a day.. Mario i would write a bajillion more things that you have impacted my life with but my hands and my face are getting flooded by tears and all i really have to say is that you have shown me what it's like to have a friend who understands every angle of my life.. SO in conclusion what i am stating is that yes, it has finally happened.. I have a best friend.. and MARIO .. YOU ARE THAT BEST FRIEND -- FOR LIFE!
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