Monday, Feb. 20

Well this weekend went pretty good I guess. I dont remember what I did Saturday.... ohhh well ... must not have been too exciting. Sunday night I hung out with some friends. It was alright. Lots of drama but still fun. Monday I was supposed to watch my brother but then didnt have to... I had basketball practice.. man that was a bitch. Mr. Johnson was telling me how to do something on the press and I was just looking at him like umm yeah ok.... but we didnt have to run so that was just splinded. I dont think I spelled that correctly. OHHh WELL!! My car is still not moving! Grrr... maybe next month I will be able to drive it again. We can only hope... hmm well ... I have algebra tomorrow morning. What fun is that. we are taking a test. Our teacher is pregnant so who knows how long till we have a long term sub. Then I have english... boy what fun. Yet again taking a test. Then PE.... yeah... and ceramics. Maybe I will finially get my plate and bowl. It is taking forever! I am going to miss school on Wednesday. Our choir is going to Altoona Midway. I wish we could miss tomorrow's classes but NO... I have to miss an easy day. At least I will only have to go to classes 3 days this week!! Yippie! We have probably our last basketball game tomorrow at Waverly. Then no practices for like week or two!!! Soooo exciting... yeah... it is. Well .. I guess I better get to bed... so I can suffer through another day at Williamsburg High School! LOL... LATER!
Read 20 comments
I do.. lol.. so colorful.. :P
okay one more to make it an even 20
well I think that you get the point haha.. but I think that I'm going to go back to being bored and depressed so talk to you later
crap just kididng that last one was 16 and this is 17
I'm at 14 right now..
I shouldn't ya know.. well how many more of these comments do u think that I can leave?
why do I care
but um seriosly why do I like Matt.. all he does is use me.. and he is embarresed of me.. and I just let him do it by saying ohhh he isn't really just using me.. but everything else..shows he's using me
ur a dork well I'm not supposed to be on here so laters! I'm in VPL
do u like the 70's?
crazy crazy
mason is reading the paper
ohh man I'm running out of things to say
Ohh man I'm listening song right now that makes me want to cry
you don't have to lie I know that I am pathetic
I'm so pathetic aren't I
why are guys so dumb.. god I really like him.. but why does he do this to me
you are a loser