the pressure.

of the second coming is more then i can handle. the question is coming up all over the place out of the blue in right in my face. DO YOU LOVE JESUS? DO YOU ACCEPT JESUS? what is this becoming? what is this becoming? ive been worrying secretly for some time now. at all of the stares and poses and weird questions and people implying certain things about christ and our father and our acceptance of him. and the alliance religion has made with being conservative. what is happening? i am liberal. ive never before felt the need to label myself as one way or the other. but lately. lately. it seems apparent that one must choose a side. sides be damned. one must decide on which to follow. and conservatives seemed linked with the supreme while the liberals support the underbelly. the dark down below. the one we call satan. evil. but. in the dictionary. liberal means to support freedom. basically open-mind-ed-ness. and now. things are becoming complicated. and we seem to be joining forces beyond our comprehension. i will say it proudly. loudly. uninterrupted. un-ashamed. I DO NOT SUPPORT BUSH. I DO NOT SUPPORT THE WAR. I DO NOT BELIEVE THE MUSLIMS ARE TO BLAME. I DO NOT THINK OUR SOLDIERS, OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, SHOULD BE DYING EVERYDAY. I DO THINK BUSH IS A MORON. A CORRUPT PUPPET HEAD FOR A BIGGER AGENDA. I DO WONDER WHY A FEW YEARS AGO GAS PRICES WERE AT THE MOST 1.49 A GALLON AND NOW THAT WE ARE "IN CONTROL" THEY JUST KEEP RISING. I DO WONDER WHY THE RICH GET TAX BREAKS. AND EVERY FUCKING CHILD GETS LEFT BEHIND. I DO BELIEVE JESUS HAS BECOME THE MAIN IMAGE OF PROPAGANDA TO BE USED AND ABUSED. I DO BELIEVE OUR AMERICAN WORLD IS ON THE BRINK OF EXSTINCTION. I DO BELIEVE WE ARE ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN. if you do not agree. then i believe you are blind. and you should go back and read 1984 thoroughly. the past doth repeat itself. even the roman empire eventually fell. dont be blind. be aware.
Read 2 comments
I agree, totally.
I think you need to mature a lot. There is such a thing as a just war, and liberating the people of Iraq is a JUST WAR. Pull your head out and try to comprehend that one, because if you ask ANY American soldier, our brothers and sisters, they will tell you that it's worth it.

So try to be a little supportive to those men and women that are dying so YOU can have the freedom to write your crap.