Listening to: footsteps of a co worker in a hurry
Feeling: dead
Oh my goodness. I am so tired.
So heres the situation ( LOL I have been hanging out with Gabby to much)
Gabby and I were evil yesterday at work. I got this random IM from a preverted guy. Gabby ended up talking to him. We got him to go to the beach ( a shitty bar)to meet rachel. Shes my ex friend. She got mad one night and left me at the beach. I was pissed to say the least.
Anyhoo. We told him she would be there. Oh course we had to show up to watch it all go down. We had planned on making it an early night. Yeah that didn't happen.
After work I went and picked up Janelle. Then we went home and quickly changed. We drove all the way across town to this resturant. It was fun. We hung out with other people with kids. Janelle had a blast.
Then Gabby and I parted ways. I went to drop Janelle off and she went home to shower. I met her at her house.
Then we were off. I drove last time so she drove. We got to the beach. We were waiting outside for our friends Pj and Evan. They were my plus 2 on the list.
The guy we were talking to online was outside. LOL. So we were laughing. Our friend Joe was WTF. As soon as the guy was out of hearing distance we told him what happened.
Then the boys showed up. The bands sucked ass. So we went to see the spazmatics. they are this great 80's band. When they finished we decided to go to the cheyenne.
We were there forever. Gabby started talking to her ex. I fell asleep in the bar. Woke up fell back asleep. This went on for awhile. We finally left at 4:30 Am. I got home by 5. It was insane. I was a hour and a half late for work today.
Gabby was laughing cause I called her at 8:19 ths morning. She was why are you still at home. I told her I just woke up. I was already late by that point so I took my time this morning.
Now i'm sitting here trying not to fall asleep.
Ewww someone clogged the tolit at work. Thankfully I wasn't the one to find it. She said it looks like its about to overflow. Then we found out that plumbers were working next door and turned our water off too. So whoever made the mess filled up the tolit to the top. How gross is that?
I realized that because I can't use the bathroom it really makes me need to go. LOL.
Ok I have tons to do so i'm outta here.
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