The London Zoo

Listening to: Van Morrison
Feeling: hungry
hahaha. chelsea, you're snoring. I walked into your room with full intentions of waking you up, but once I got a glance at that open mouthed, noise-making face of yours I just had to let you sleep! you're the only person I know that is still beautiful with drool running down their face.
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i really like ur diary. its to colorful tho but thats only cause i am a dark kind of person.

What about the innocent civilians that died as a "RESPONSE" to our innocent civilians that died?

Like I sad: two wrongs don't make a right. Especially when it comes to killing.

Try as you might, death/ killing is an action that in my eyes- will never be justifiable.
Or the Americans for that matter.
That last one was me.
oh great, thanks for describing to the www just how I sleep.

and you can't blame me for snoring, I was sick as a dog. But the open mouth...yeah...
It's quite alright, I understand.