Hey Guys whats good??? I found some summer icons requested by xobballgirl23 hey hunnie the summer ones are for you!!! These are a pretty cool set and feel free to comment me anytime thanks babes Jenna
Ladies and Gentalmen RONALD MCDONALD
hahaha i love the ronald mcdonald thingy !! its soo fetch 8]
♥ megan
i love the word fetch =)
hehe ♥ megan
haha i know ! i watch it at least once a week if not more =)
♥ megan
haha go ahead and add me ill add you too =) and the movie is like my school too =D hehe and im more like the new girl .. cause i was new to my school last year =]
Hey thanks for leaving me a comment, can you tell me how to put the icon above my name and age... I'm stupid and don't know how =) p.s. you have some really nice stuff thanks!
I love this new set! =)
Question though, in your layout, shouldn't some of the words be switched? Like ran up the door, closed the stairs? It would make a lot more sense with the kissed me goodnight part I think... and I've seen it that way other places too.
♥ megan
hehe ♥ megan
♥ megan
♥ megan
how do i copy an icon er get it onto my diary?
Question though, in your layout, shouldn't some of the words be switched? Like ran up the door, closed the stairs? It would make a lot more sense with the kissed me goodnight part I think... and I've seen it that way other places too.
Nice job anywayy! I'm definitley using some.
Jen ♥