the friends are wondering when the icons might be up so they know when to have their parents leave the room when they want to get them. just leave a comment. i'm on a lot during the day, unless it's like monday-friday, then i'm usually on at like 3:30 (in wisconsin. if you live on the east coast it's probably 5:30 or so there, and if you live on the west coast, it's 2:30 there) so yeah just leave one i'll be on most likely.
hi. I just wanted to let you know, that i don't think I've ever commented on your diary, but I do like it and I love your icons. So, yeah, you have my vote if it means anything to ya.
You're awesome! thanks
well the more you post and stuff the more you will show up on the site. i just resently discovered your page, only because i was bored and saw that you were online.
and your diary =]
and your diary =]
You're awesome! thanks