Listening to: alkaline trio - you've got so far to go
Feeling: aggressive
OMG! I hate you so much right now! stupid diary bullshit delete my entry that only took me like the last hour!!! GRRR not happy jan! and i was actually rather happy with that entry....gah! this shit happens to me oh too often...screw you all i cant be bothere to type that much again...its over! the urge has surpassed pissed much time and effort and this is how you repay me! *shakes head* pissed off now
go away i hate you internet diary blah poo bum fart anus licker stinky breathed sycophant!
have fun at "lunch" tmorrow princess =P
love you! mwa
but you know what i mean...
later dawg.
i dont kwo why the fuck i turned taht all ghetto. im sorry. but yeh, no lunch. i'll eat at maccas tomorrow or something. but not with you two. mwa!
exams tomorrow..grr im out of letters!
love bart
yeh ok i have nothign else to say. besides that im not goign to lunch. well maybe. it depnds on how my clown factor is going. i dunno davey.