physics is phun

Listening to: none...suprisingly
Feeling: amazed
yes i am amazed...because jaja is amazing... hahaha oh gosh nah but i am a few things...and no i dont mean jaja is amazing in that homo stuff going on here! haha I must admit my nerdiness is beginning to shine! yes this is my first time to nerds anonymous, I am a physics nerd. By saying that i'm not saying that im smart... but just that i enjoy doing what i do... I love to a sponge! teehee sponge bob square pants! but anyways...back to what i was saying...i am amazed...haha shit im a fag...but yesh i just feel i have to let the world know i have a great deal of admiration for many various people, and today i discovered my admiration for Nikola Tesla...what a genius...its people like these that diserve nobel prizes...and the greedy Mr. Edison didn't want to share so it seems they both missed out...but seriously how could someone come up with something like the polyphase system for generating electricity...its truely all sense of the word! But enough talk about my physics work...Gah next week exams start...already half way through yr freaky...only about 5 and a half months till im 18...freakier! But oh well thats life...and we're living it! Just can't wait to get out of here and travel...even if its just for a little while..just to see all the family...ah wouldnt it be lovely! but for now time to snap back to much to little time! so back to my little sphere of phsysics..and until next time... TOORAH! peace
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