(61)try this

heres a thing to do jus for fun if u want, jus comment to leave your answers. (but do it anonymously) 01. One secret. 02. One compliment. 03. One non-compliment. 04. One love note. 05. Lyrics to a song. 06. How old you are. 07. How long we've been friends. 08. And a hint to who you are. :) Ymuch love
Read 7 comments
I never masturbate anymore.

I like your background

I don't like the way you type "rly" instead of "really".

Hang on, I've forgotten the others.
Love note
To D., I love you so much it makes me light headed when I think of you, dizzy when you kiss me, and physically hurt when you're not here. "You amaze me more than you could know".

Song lyrics
Awesome song - I love it.

How old you are

How long we've been friends
We're not. I thought I would participate, though.

A hint of who you are
Fill in the blanks to find my username:
_ou_ _ ll _ .

1 you know all my secrets lol
2 your hair is very pretty!
3 ?? idk
4 um..no thanks lol
5.http://www.lyricstop.com/d/discoinferno-50cent.html (don't ask...its stuck in my head)
6 15
7 since 7th grade
8 RAR!
1. my friends life has been ruined by one of her other friends...but she doesnt know it yet.
2. your diary is cool!
3. sarah is an overused name...? i dunno, i still like it, lol.
4. you rock!
5. 'well there she was, just a walkin down the street, singin do ah diddy diddy dum diddy doo'
6. im 15
7. were not, i just thought this looked like fun, lol
8. a hint? hmm...

my name starts with A and ends in L, but neither are actually capitol...and a friend of mine who likes nofx is friends with you, but you are not friends with them.

and... my favorite HIM is on my background, and my diary is smothered in pink-ness. which is odd, considering i dont really like pink 2 much, lol.

lets see if you can find me, lol. ill put you on my friends to make it easier, comment if u find it, k?
Hi there how are you doing? Me I'm just great!!! Because I'm in a good mood bye now.