Phone calls to girls

Today, select members of the relationship council suggested ways to communicate with the significant other. The issue that started the ad hoc committee was due to the fact that a few gentlemen complained about long female based phone calls. The end result for the men was a quick four minute call and a happy night where they could return to their video games. If I were to call a female friend, what classifies as this special call, and would she consider the phone call and a romantic thinking of you call, or rather an uncomfortable call?
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I feel the phone call's importance may be taken differently depending on the individual. If a girl has a crush on a guy and he calls her quite often then she took may start to believe the guy is interested in her romantically. Phone calls show you were thinking of someone and wanted to hear their voice and speak to them--wouldn't that make anyone happy-romantically or for just the sake of a strong friendship. Don't over think a phone call...relax