xxx nice hot day.. tOo bad i didnt get to enjoy it much.. fuck bates..
ok today i was thinkin.. i need a freakin guy..
[:] why does everyone else get a man expect Michelle?
its like im fuckin cursed or somethin.. i wanna be all mushy and gooshy and get those cute warm feelings when i think of that special someone..
[:] y is it that only fat.. old.. crispy.. or nasty guys wanna holla?
fuck 'em!.. why ME!!.. why!!
[:] why cant a sweet.. funny..beautiful guy holla and what if i just settled w/ what i got?
then id be stuck with ugly .. fat.. OLD guys...
ok ok.. i im done complaining of my lack of guys.. i give up.. im making the choice to become a nun.. yes me.. A NUN can you see it.. me with that black robe on... in church 24/7..