by youdontcare
Well you might be wondering why this entry is named what it is? Aren't you?
Well today started off with before we had to go to our first class as usual but I got to trade my boots with Kyle's (I count him as a best friend o mine) sneakers for the day. That may sound strange but I wanted to try out his sneakers even if they were old. Yes well I happened to love these sneakers cause they were comfy and what not and the best sneakers I've ever Yes well and on with the entry we go.
We'll in allied health we learned about how to open sterile things and how to put on sterile gloves. I suppose that that was sorta fun well it was fun because I have many friends in that class and they all sit close to me so it is a good class to be in.
Then we had a pep rally which was not that good I mean you could not hear a thing anyone was saying and they didn't do a whole lot but also I was bored sittin there on those bleachers there so uncomfortable.
Then I had health that was fun the entire class we talked about school spirit and stuff about the school that really needs to be improved and we had fun in that class today so that was fun.
Biology was ok I mean we had a test and colored not much more to say about that
Spanish well that was the class I had to give the sneakers back in :'( yes I know I was way to over obcessed with those sneakers and that's all there is to say about that I need to find a pair like them!!!!
Yeah well that's about all for today at school and about all I did this wonderful friday so I'll make another entry another day
Did i mention how awsome those sneakers were (no i don't have a promblem, well maybe i do but thats besides the point). I'm telling you though they were great shoes seriously and now i am done obcessing or am i? ok well i gotta say one last time how great they were!! ok now i am done.
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