
Listening to: akunamatauta
Feeling: stunned
ok sooooo. i went to the ventura football game. for stuff befor that go to devins diary. and that was coolo cuz i got to see everyone including: jenna s ( my wonderful ex) shane sara emily kaylin lauren jenna and olivia. oh ya devin nick and me. it was coolo. then we left and kaylin emily sara and lauren told me to leave. then all sad and stuff devin and olivia tell me to leave too. so now super sad i wonder around looking for a familier face and just when i was like awwwjenna and shane were all nick!!! yay! so i talked to them for a while until they had to go. it was fun. saterday was band practice that was fun too. so ya. jessica and monica are cool. theyre from montana. haha inside joke....
Read 16 comments
hit greg? where did that come from?? well you just called me. haha i am listening to your message right now. you're a funny kid, nick. sorry i was a bitch to you the last 2 times i saw you (mostly on saturday night). did you have any fun at the football game?
haha jessica and monica! the cousins from montana! hahaha along with the other 3 girls you like! hahhah that was funny. <3 your #1 ex Jenna s.
umm ya i was gonna say something. crap. oo wait nvm. omgosh i dont remember. sorry i couldnt call u back yesterday. i was at you should have gone!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv ya!
man u need to update!!! your slow with these things...hahah nice! but ya well ttyl byes
cool diary!i go 2 ventura,did u see the moorpark game?we beat there ass'!!
sikboy a cancer patient, my friend, no chance of remission for he isn.t doing chemo. he needs to know people care. i need your help. leave him a note on his page. read his three short entries. help me. please. xo. jess
hey Nick...just thought i'd say hi. I wanna hang out with you soon, see ya
this is really old. make new now, UP TOP!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
hello nick its andrew i dont have a diary but i can still leave comments.
hey nick i got a diary about 5 minutes after i left you that comment byby
look what i can do ▒▒▒▒▒▒≡M▲≈ ╘`▒æ☺☺☺▒╠☺╓⌠~t╩☺Q▓▓▓
this ones ooooooooooooooollllllllllld!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do u go to vhs?
update!!!!!!1 your life cant be that boring.... can it? no of course not!!! cuz im in jk jk... hows the montana cousins? lol ugh im sick
omgosh i had the weirdest dream that the cousins were true... it was weird, i met them at a balboa dance!!!! hahahhaha thats sooo trippy... hahahah