They may be drinkers but they are also human beings.

Listening to: none
Feeling: freezing
yep ya. i'm up to 4 hundred dollars. i need 4 19 update i have five hundred twenty three dollars and 60 cents. and i only needed four hundred ninteen. so anyways. i had a go birthday. group news: kiana is not here. melissa is moving. oliva and devin should be going out but they are not... just do it!
Read 18 comments
i heard so much about last saturday night! i wish i could have been home to hang with you guys...we need to plan something. soon. do you know the exact date that kiana will be back?
you like cool music....isn't The Havoc on Punkcore Records? if so you should check out like Cropknox and Monster Squd and tons of other punkcore bands
Dude, you got your bass?
your suprise with yer bass was so nice. i love you.
Hey i am Brittany i have recently turned my Journal into a private Journal because my family are nosey bitches who read my shit so i am adding random ppl 2 my friends list i hope you prosper off my journal...
that linje is from batman. they may be drinkers................. thats so coo. SOME DAYS YOU JUST CANT GET RID OF A BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya we should but you should buy yer bass shitface.
i have a picture to show you on my phone. i thought of you when i saw this. it made me laugh. so, you gotta see it!
Nick, your so gay!
Nah, just kidding.
So how has your summer been? Well, anyway been mean to anyone lately? Better not have, cause you know I can still kick your butt! j/k. Well talk to you later -Breanna C.(VMS Bre)
love me and shit...i think that someone is you nick.holy fuck i am so fucking BORED you have no fucking its 5:01 AM.whoopee,the suns up already.fuck fuck fuckitty fuck dooky poo.i wish i was down there,at least its somewhat more fun at this time of day.doen there you can just walk around the city drinkig and dodging cops,but up here im like 15 fucking miles from town.THERES NOTHING TO DO! WHY ARE YOU COMING UP HERE? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT
cuz he is skeptical and doubts are mighty skills and my speaker breaking vocals.those dumb shit tardfucks at foothill were so retarded.they couldnt retard their way out of a nonexistent paper bag that they werent even inside of.remember how joey always used to steal cookies for that boy to death and super hungry,and we have toaster strudels,so it works out perfectly.nick,im lonely,i need someone to hold me and tell me they
turned into a big bird and pecked his eyes out,and then everyone started calling you condor.shit,so many good jr high fucking band class,when i was in the highest level,and purposely got demoted so i could be in the same class as you adrian and fukquito.i havent seen quito in forever.baritone sucked.trumpet was so much more fun.we need to get your band together when i come down and play the trooper so aaron can see how badass we are
so im listening to the havoc right now,just like your little banner there.who was again who turned you on to like all those bands and gave you free CDs and shit and essentially made you who you are now?!?! thats right,me,you ungrateful little butter pussy!when i first met you,your ass was a lump of clay,now youre a fucking boulder,and its all thanks to me...and thomas.remember how he was terrified of you after he had that dream where you
NICk,its 4:47 AM and im horribly bored and slightly malformed,so im going to leave you a string of excessivly long comments.
so are you going to foothill next year?i miss that school,i gotta was so fun the way we were all just we like the foothill versions of the antichrists.we were everything they didnt want.good times supremeo.rememeber how we always used to go to taco bell and act like asses?i do.those were ever better times.
dude,thats harsh....
God, Robert is being so stupid. All he wants is attention, he just keeps bitching and trying to be all angst ridden, just so people will say "Oh no Robert! We love you, come back to us!". Also, he's trying to be all deep and wise. It's so annoying. He's way too full of himself. Someone needs to have the balls to say "You want to leave? Fine, fuck you then, leave. No one's stopping you."

id rather die than not be able to trust my own eyes batman!