all the feelings tangled up inside..

today nothing happened just chilled with nate... we listened to music and such nothing that great... ya and my ex-stepmom thingy thinks my dad is in jail.. yayness something else to worry about.. im happy though... i can burn cds now yayness lol... nate makes me happy super happy... hes my love.. .well along with ashley, chelsea, and my sam-antha! ha and nik my emo kid! hehe i miss him... OH YA ASHLEY ILOVE YOU EVER SO MUCHES!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! la.ti.da... i think im gonna go! muahness! -outtie!
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hiya! wutcha doin.. nm..ok nate humping something...*hits head aginst wall* anywho ttyl BYE love you
hiya! wutcha doin.. nm..ok nate humping something...*hits head aginst wall* anywho ttyl BYE love you
hiya! wutcha doin.. nm..ok nate humping something...*hits head aginst wall* anywho ttyl BYE love you
hiya! wutcha doin.. nm..ok nate humping something...*hits head aginst wall* anywho ttyl BYE love you
hiya! wutcha doin.. nm..ok nate humping something...*hits head aginst wall* anywho ttyl BYE love you
hiya! wutcha doin.. nm..ok nate humping something...*hits head aginst wall* anywho ttyl BYE love you
heya hun. i found out who it was and if i ever see that little mother fucker im going to hurt him so fucking bad. i swear. thats just fucked up! >_< rawr, that makes me mad....