french market bag

Knitty's French Market Bag This was my first introduction into felting. I didn't really know what to expect, but the whole felting process went pretty smoothly.
Before felting.
After felting. I don't know if it's supposed to stay standing up like that, but at the moment it's kind of lying flat on top of the dryer with random yarn and needles on top of it. After using it, I decided it was entirely too big for my needs, but I haven't gotten around to throwing it in the washer again. Really, I don't know if that'll help much at all, but it's worth a try. Stats: Yarn - KnitPick's Wool of the Andes, colors Winter Night and Chocolate, I don't remember how many balls Needles - size 7 dpn and circulars
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i made that! and it refuses to stand up like yours. i totally wish it would. it folds up flat like grossness. but it's cute when i hold it.