
So, as a sort of procrastination from NaNoWriMo this past month, I've been a] reading more manga than ever [seriously, it's gotten ridiculous] and b] looking and compiling knitting patterns. I'll document some of what's on The List, in no particular order. Cardigan from MagKnits. I've been looking for a cardigan like this forever, and I could never find one that satisfied me from a store. When I saw this, though, I was over the moon becuase it seems so perfect. Next, the ballet camisole, also from MagKnits, except not in pink becuase I cannot stand pink. I think it'll be in white or cream or something like that. Just because they look awesome, a pair of Red Herrings from Knitty. I've never used a chart before, and this one looks pretty basic, so it seems like a good place to start. Plus, they look awesome, did I mention that? I plan on making a stuffed Kon [from Bleach] based on this pattern. He's such a cute, fiesty plushie lion. Finally, whenever I'm able to get the yarn, which is out of me meger budget range, I'm definitely making this beautiful scarf for myself. Bwahahahaha!!!! I asked JD if he wanted me to knit him anything, and he seemed pretty apathetic about the idea. He's not a sweater guy, not an accessory guy, wears socks by force, and after trying to make him two different hats three different times, I'm refusing that. So, it's not that I'm selfish, it's that my husband is lame. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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Hahaha, i totally understand. It's like, I want to sew something cool for my Caleb but he's so MEH about it. Go the mad knitting Skills, keep up the amazing work.